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Ruijie RG-WLAN Implementation Cookbook (V4.1)

2020-08-13 View:
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      Device Management

1.1      System Management

Default Settings

ACNo default IP address.

APDefault IP address is, and both console & telnet password are "admin", default enable password is "apdebug"


Following wall AP have different default settings


In Fit mode, IP address of both LAN port and Uplink port IP are

In Fat mode, IP address of LAN port is; IP address of Uplink port is


IP address of Rear panel is

IP address of Front panel is


1.1.1     Console Management

Connect cables as below diagram



console cable, USB to RS232 cable 







Open software Putty, set baud rate to 9600


1.1.2     Telnet Management

I. Network Topology


II. Configuration Steps

Configuring Telnet& enable password on AC


Ruijie#configure terminal

Ruijie(config)#interface vlan 1 

Ruijie(config-if-vlan 1)#ip address

Ruijie(config)#ip route

Ruijie(config)#line vty 0 4

Ruijie(config-line)#password ruijie


Ruijie(config)#enable password ruijie


Configuring Telnet & Enable password on AP

Console connect to device and set passwords, default ap-mode is fit.

User Access Verification

Password:                                              default password is "ruijie"



Password:                                              default password is "apdebug"

Ruijie#configure terminal

Ruijie(config)#interface bvi 1

Ruijie(config-if-bvi 1)#ip address

Ruijie(config-if-bvi 1)#interface gigabitEthernet 0/1

Ruijie(config-if-GigabitEthernet 0/1)#encapsulation dot1Q 1

%Warning: Remove all IP address.

Ruijie(config-if-GigabitEthernet 0/1)#exit

Ruijie(config)#ip route 

Ruijie(config)#line vty 0 4

Ruijie(config-line)#password ruijie


Ruijie(config)#enable password ruijie


Note: when ap-mode change from fit to fat, the default password changes as follow:

User Access Verification

Password:                                              default password is "admin"



Password:                                              no default password

Ruijie#configure terminal


III. Verification


Save configuration





windows7&8 telent client function is not enabled by default, you need to enable the telnet functionality.

Taking Windows 7 as an example:

Control panel - procedures and functions - to open or close the windows function - check the telnet client - select "to determine"


1.1.3     SSH Management

I. Network Topology


II. Configuration Steps

Configuring SSH on AC



Ruijie#configure terminal         

Ruijie(config)#enable service ssh-server    

Ruijie(config)#crypto key generate dsa       

Choose the size of the key modulus in the range of 360 to 2048 for your

Signature Keys. Choosing a key modulus greater than 512 may take

a few minutes.

How many bits in the modulus [512]:                

% Generating 512 bit DSA keys. ..[ok]

Ruijie(config)#interface vlan 1  

Ruijie(config-if-VLAN 1)#ip address

Ruijie(config)#ip route

Ruijie(config)#enable password ruijie


Method 1Login with password

Ruijie(config)#line vty 0 4

Ruijie(config-line)#password ruijie      




Building configuration...




Method 2Login with username & password

Ruijie(config)#line vty 0 4       

Ruijie(config-line)#login local                                


Ruijie(config)#username admin password ruijie        



Building configuration...




III. Verification

Open Putty, choose Connection type "SSH", input IP address.                                                 



    To display SSH service status, execute following commands



1.1.4     Web Management

I. Network Topology



II. Configuration Steps

Configuring WEB GUI on AC

Ruijie#configure terminal       

Ruijie(config)#enable service web-server 

Ruijie(config)#vlan 1   

Ruijie(config-vlan)#interface vlan 1      

Ruijie(config-if-VLAN 1)#ip address

Ruijie(config-if-VLAN 1)#exit

Ruijie(config)#webmaster level ?

  <0-2>  Web auth privilege level (0 is the highest level)

Ruijie(config)#webmaster level 0 username ruijie password ruijie

Ruijie(config)#ip route


1.     AM5528 does not support web management.

1.     Only user “admin” and “ruijie” could be created on cli page, for other account, If you have the web management requirements, please create it on web interface, relative err prompt are shown as follow:


III. Verification

Visit web GUI at, it is recommended that access WEB GUI with IE 8.0 and above version in compatible mode.



1.1.5     Forget IP Address of Wall AP

If administrator forgot IP address of Wall-AP, and do not want to recover factory setting, follow below steps:

1. Power on AP, and connect AP as below diagram:

1. Open packet capture tool, here take Wireshark as example:

1.     Check ARP packets, and is correct IP


1.     Try to telnet AP


1.     If above method doesn't work, suggest to restore factory default.


1.2      Firmware Upgrade

1.2.1 Upgrade for RGOS 11.x    Upgrade AC & Fit AP (for 11.X)

I. Network Topology


II. Requirements


1.     Visit official website at to request firmware.


1.     Run TFTP Server, and put AP&AC firmware in the same folder. Here take Ruijie TFTPServer as example.


 TFTP Server should be able to communicate with AC.

1. AC has built CAPWAP tunnel with APs

1. Read Release Note carefully, pay attention to the "upgrade file"

1. DO NOT restart or POWER OFF AC&AP during upgrades.

1. Login AC CLI via console, telnet or SSH.


III. Configuration Steps

Upgrading AC

AttentionIn hot-backup scenario, please remove all networks cables on ACs in case of synchronization issue caused by inconsistent firmware.

1.     Display current firmware version and backup relative configuration files.

Ruijie# copy flash:config.text tftp:// --->backup the configuration files of AC to TFTP Server.

Ruijie# copy flash:ap-config.text tftp:// ---> backup the configuration of AP to TFTP Server.


Ruijie#show version detail

System description     : Ruijie 10G Wireless Switch(WS6008) By Ruijie Networks.

System uptime          : 0:02:15:24

System hardware version: 1.0

System software version: AC_RGOS 11.1(5)B80P3, Release(04131820)

System patch number    : NA

System software number : M20361001182017

System serial number   : 1234942570002

System boot version    :

System core version    :

System cpu partition   : 4-11


1.     Transfer new firmware to AC, execute below commands:

Ruijie#upgrade download tftp://


III. Verification

After reloading, execute command "show version" to verify firmware version.

Ruijie#show version detail

System description     : Ruijie 10G Wireless Switch(WS6008) By Ruijie Networks.

System uptime          : 0:02:15:24

System hardware version: 1.0

System software version: AC_RGOS 11.1(5)B80P3, Release(04131820)

System patch number    : NA

System software number : M20361001182017

System serial number   : 1234942570002

System boot version    :

System core version    :

System cpu partition   : 4-11


Upgrading Fit APs
Generally, the fit ap and ac can work normally only when the versions of them are consistent

1.     Display current ap firmware version on AC, execute commands "show version all"

Ruijie#show version detail

System description     : Ruijie Indoor AP330-I (802.11a/n and 802.11b/g/n) By Ruijie Networks.

System start time      : 1969-12-31 23:59:59

System uptime: 0:00:01:09

System hardware version: 1.10    ------>hardware version

System software version: AP_RGOS 11.1(5)B3, Release(02160403)------>software version

System patch number    : NA

System software number : M03112104042015

System serial number: G1GDB16019485

System boot version    :

System core version    : 2.6.32.ab930e7d22374b   


1.     To transfer AP new firmware to AC,  execute below commands:

Ruijie#copy tftp:// flash:330.bin

Press Ctrl+C to quit


Copy success


1.     To configure ap-serial,  execute below commands:


Ruijie(config-ac)#active-bin-file flash:330.bin

Ruijie(config-ac)#ap-image auto upgrade


1.     After AP reloading, APs will establish CAPWAP tunnel with AC.


III. Verification

1.     Display AP upgrading progress,  execute commands "show ap-config updating-list"

Ruijie#show ap-config updating-list

AP NAME                                  AP PID          File Tx                  Time               AP Reset Ready

----------------------           ---------------     --------               ------------     -----------

AP330-I                                  AP330-I          20 %                 00:00:06               N


1.     Display current ap firmware version on AC,  execute commands "show version all"

Ruijie>show version     

System description     : Ruijie Indoor AP330-I (802.11a/n and 802.11b/g/n) By Ruijie Networks.

System start time      : 1970-01-01 00:00:01

System uptime: 0:00:01:52

System hardware version: 1.10

System software version: AP_RGOS 11.1(5)B5, Release(02182520)

System patch number    : NA

System serial number: G1GDB16019485

System boot version    : 1.1.1    Upgrade Fat AP (for 11.X)

I. Network Topology





II. Requirements

1.     Visit official website at to request firmware.


1.     Run TFTP Server, and put AP firmware in the same folder. Here take Ruijie TFTPServer as example.

TFTP Server should be able to communicate with AP.


1. Read Release Note carefully, pay attention to the "upgrade file"

1. DO NOT restart or POWER OFF AP during upgrades.

1. Login AP CLI via console, telnet or SSH.


Attention: Wall APs, like AP130 (W2) & AP130L, do not have console port. See Device Management -->Conventions to learn the default IP address.


III. Configuration Steps

Upgrading FAT APs


1.     Backup configuration files to TFTP Server, and display current firmware version

Ruijie#copy flash:config.text tftp:// --->backup configuration files of AP to TFTP Server


Ruijie#show version detail  ---> check version

System description     : Ruijie Indoor AP330-I (802.11a/n and 802.11b/g/n) By Ruijie Networks.

System start time      : 1969-12-31 23:59:59

System uptime: 0:00:01:09

System hardware version: 1.10

System software version: AP_RGOS 11.1(5)B3, Release(02160403)

System patch number    : NA

System software number : M03112104042015

System serial number   : G1GDB16019485

System boot version    :

System core version    : 2.6.32.ab930e7d22374b


1.     Display current ap mode

AP320#show ap-mode

current mode: fat



1.     Transfer new firmware to AP,  execute below commands:

Ruijie#upgrade download tftp://

Upgrade the device must be auto-reset after finish, are you sure upgrading now?[Y/n]y

Running this command may take some time, please wait.

Please wait for a moment......

Press Ctrl+C to quit



Begin to upgrade the install package 330-b5.bin...   --->reload automatically

*Jan  1 00:03:52: %7: Upgrade processing is 10%

Uncompress file 330-b5.bin. .......


IV. Verification

After reloading,  execute command "show version"  to verify firmware version.

Ruijie#show version  detail

System description     : Ruijie Indoor AP330-I (802.11a/n and 802.11b/g/n) By Ruijie Networks.

System start time      : 1970-01-01 00:00:01

System uptime: 0:00:01:09

System hardware version: 1.10

System software version: AP_RGOS 11.1(5)B5, Release(02182520)

System patch number    : NA

System software number : M20085306252015

System serial number   : G1GDB16019485

System boot version    :

System core version    :


1.2.2     Upgrade from RGOS 10.x to 11.x     Upgrade AC & Fit AP from 10.X to 11.X

I. Network Topology


II. Requirements

1.     Visit official website at to request firmware..


1.     Run TFTP Server, and put AP&AC firmware in the same folder. Here take Ruijie TFTPServer as example.


 TFTP Server should be able to communicate with AC.

1. AC has built CAPWAP tunnel with APs

1. Read Release Note carefully, pay attention to the "upgrade file"

1. DO NOT restart or POWER OFF AC&AP during upgrades.

1. Login AC CLI via console, telnet or SSH.


III. Configuration Steps

Upgrading AC

AttentionIn hot-backup scenario, please remove all networks cables on ACs in case of synchronization issue caused by inconsistent firmware.

1.     Display current firmware version and backup relative configuration files.

Ruijie#copy flash:config.text tftp:// --->backup the configuration files of AC to TFTP Server.

Ruijie#copy flash:ap-config.text tftp:// ---> backup the configuration of AP to TFTP Server.



1.     Transfer new firmware to AC,  execute below commands:

Ruijie#copy tftp:// flash:rgos.bin


After reloading, execute command "show version" to verify firmware


1.     Because the configuration files will lost when upgrade to mid version, need to import the config.text, and test the connection between AC and terminal, then Downgrade AC to target version 11.x

Ruijie#upgrade download tftp://


IV. Verification


       After reloading, execute command "show version" to verify firmware version



Upgrading Fit APs

1.     Transfer 11.x and mid version of AP to AC,  execute below commands:

Ruijie#copy tftp:// flash:ap530-mid.bin

Ruijie#copy tftp:// flash:ap530.bin


1.     To configure ap-serial,  execute below commands:


Ruijie(config-ac)#active-bin-file ap530-mid.bin   rgos10

Ruijie(config-ac)#active-bin-file ap530.bin

Ruijie(config-ac)#ap-serial ap530 AP530-I hw-ver 1.x 

Ruijie(config-ac)#ap-image ap530-mid.bin ap530

Ruijie(config-ac)#ap-image ap530.bin ap530


IV. Verification

1.     After reloading, execute command "show version" to verify firmware version


1.     After AP reloading, APs will build CAPWAP tunnel with AC.    Upgrade Fat AP from 10.X to 11.X

I. Network Topology



II. Requirements

1.     Visit official website at to request firmware.

1.     Run TFTP Server, and put AP firmware in the same folder. Here take Ruijie TFTPServer as example.


TFTP Server should be able to communicate with AP.

1. Read Release Note carefully, pay attention to the "upgrade file"

1. DO NOT restart or POWER OFF AP during upgrades.

1. Login AP CLI via console, telnet or SSH.


Attention: Upgrade from 10.X to 11.X, configuration will lost, backup the configuration before downgrading; need to downgrade to mid version first.


III. Configuration Steps

Upgrading FAT APs

1.     Backup configuration files to TFTP Server, and display current firmware version

Ruijie#copy flash:config.text tftp:// --->backup configuration files of AP to TFTP Server



1.     Display current ap mode

Ruijie#show ap-mode

current mode: fat


1.     Transfer new firmware to AP,  execute below commands:

Ruijie#copy tftp:// flash:rgos.bin

Upgrade the device must be auto-reset after finish, are you sure upgrading now?[Y/n]y

Running this command may take some time, please wait.

Please wait for a moment......

Press Ctrl+C to quit





1.     downgrade to target version 11.x

Ruijie# upgrade download tftp://


1.      reload and verification


1.2.3     Downgrade from RGOS 11.x to 10.x    Downgrade the AC & Fit AP from 11.X to the 10.X

I. Network Topology



II. Requirements

1.     Visit official website at to request firmware.

1.     Run TFTP Server, and put AP firmware in the same folder. Here take Ruijie TFTPServer as example.


 TFTP Server should be able to communicate with AP.

1. Read Release Note carefully, pay attention to the "upgrade file"

1. DO NOT restart or POWER OFF AP during upgrades.

1. Login AP CLI via console, telnet or SSH.


Attention: Downgrade from 11.X to 10.X, configuration will lost, backup the configuration before downgrading; need to downgrade to mid version first.


III. Configuration Tips

Downgrading FIT APs

1.     Backup configuration files on ac

1.     Transfer mid version of AP to AC

TFTP Server should be able to communicate with AC.

1.     Active version of AP

1. Read Release Note carefully, pay attention to the "downgrade file"

1. DO NOT restart or POWER OFF AC&AP during upgrades.

1. Login AC CLI via console, telnet or SSH.


IV. Configuration Steps

Downgrading AC

AttentionIn hot-backup scenario, please remove all networks cables on ACs in case of synchronization issue caused by inconsistent firmware.

1.     Display current firmware version


Downgrading Fit APs
1.  To transfer AP new firmware to AC, execute below commands:

Ruijie#copy tftp:// flash:320-mid.bin


2      To configure ap-serial,  execute below commands:

Ruijie#config terminal


Ruijie(config-ac)#active-bin-file 320-mid.bin

Ruijie(config-ac)#ap-serial ap320 AP320-I hw-ver 1.x

Ruijie(config-ac)#ap-image ap320-mid.bin ap320




1.     telnet APs and verify the current version

Ruijie#show version

System description     : Ruijie Indoor AP320-I (802.11a/n and 802.11b/g/n) By Ruijie Networks.

System start time      : 1970-01-01 0:0:0

System uptime: 0:0:0:44

System hardware version: 1.10

System software version: RGOS 10.4(1b19)p2, Release(175879)

System boot version    : 10.4.155446(Master), 10.4.155446(Slave) -àmid version of AP

System serial number   : G1GDC13025434


1.     Downgrade AC from 11.X to 11.X_to_10.X(Mid),  execute below commands:

Ruijie#upgrade download tftp:// force



After reloading, execute command "show version" to verify firmware


1.     Because the configuration files will lost when downgrade to mid version, need to import the config.text, and test the connection between AC and terminal, then Downgrade AC to target version 10.x

Ruijie#copy tftp:// flash:rgos.bin






1.     After downgrading the AC, the configuration will loss, need to import the ac configuration.

Ruijie#copy tftp:// flash:config.text

Ruijie#copy tftp:// flash:ap-config.text



1.     Downgrade AP to target version 10.x

Ruijie#copy tftp:// flash 320I.bin

Ruijie#configure terminal


Ruijie(config-ac)#active-bin-file 320I.bin

Ruijie(config-ac)#ap-serial ap320 AP320-I hw-ver 1.x

Ruijie(config-ac)#ap-image 320I.bin ap320




V. Verification     

Ruijie#show version

System description     : Ruijie Indoor AP320-I (802.11a/n and 802.11b/g/n) By Ruijie Networks.

System start time      : 2015-01-05 12:37:41

System uptime: 4:0:24:8

System hardware version: 1.10

System software version: RGOS 10.4(1b19)p2, Release(179742)

System boot version    : 10.4.155446(Master), 10.4.155446(Slave)

System serial number   : G1GD91300419A    Downgrade the Fat AP from 11.X to the 10.X

I. Network Topology



II. Requirements

1.     Visit official website at to request firmware.

1.     Run TFTP Server, and put AP firmware in the same folder. Here take Ruijie TFTPServer as example.


TFTP Server should be able to communicate with AP.

1. Read Release Note carefully, pay attention to the "upgrade file"

1. DO NOT restart or POWER OFF AP during upgrades.

1. Login AP CLI via console, telnet or SSH.


Attention: Downgrade from 11.X to 10.X, configuration will lost, backup the configuration before downgrading; need to downgrade to mid version first.


III. Configuration Steps

Downgrading FAT APs

1.     Backup configuration files to TFTP Server, and display current firmware version

Ruijie#copy flash:config.text tftp:// --->backup configuration files of AP to TFTP Server



1.     Display current ap mode

Ruijie#show ap-mode

current mode: fat


1.     Transfer new firmware to AP, execute below commands:

Ruijie#upgrade download tftp://

Upgrade the device must be auto-reset after finish, are you sure upgrading now?[Y/n]y

Running this command may take some time, please wait.

Please wait for a moment......

Press Ctrl+C to quit


*Jan  1 00:04:27: %7:

*Jan  1 00:04:27: %7: Begin to upgrade the install package AP_RGOS11.x_TO_10.x(Mid)_S2C3-01_02180712.bin...

*Jan  1 00:04:27: %7: Upgrade processing is 10%

RG-UPGRADE:package.c:621]Old md5 value(/rootfs.ubi):





1.     downgrade to target version 10.x

Ruijie#copy tftp:// flash:rgos.bin


1.     reload and verification


1.2.4     Recover Firmware under BOOT    AC & AP with Console Port

I. Network Topology


II. Requirements

1. Generally, we recover firmware under BOOT mode if we deletes firmware on Main Mode by mistake, firmware broken or any other unknown reasons that devices cannot boot up and enter Main Mode.

1. Finish reading Device Management --> System Management --> Firmware Upgrade, have knowledge of how to transfer firmware with TFTP server.

1. It's applicable for both AC and APs with console port. Not applicable for Wall APs without console port.

Note: remember to turn off Windows Defender protection and system firewall.


III. Configuration Steps

1.     Restart devices,   press "CTRL + C"  when system prompts,  enter BOOT Mode, Input 0

1.     Input 1, then upgrade firmware with the following steps.

1. Input "yes"   


1. Press "CTRL+Z" return to upper level, then choose "2" to run main


IV. Verification

Devices succeed to enter Main mode, execute command "show version", check the firmware version.

Ruijie#show version    Wall AP without Console Port

I. Network Topology



II. Requirements

1. Generally, we recover firmware under BOOT mode if we deletes firmware on Main Mode by mistake, firmware broken or any other unknown reasons that devices cannot boot up and enter Main Mode.

1. Finish reading Device Management --> System Management & --> Firmware Upgrade, have knowledge of how to transfer firmware with TFTP server.


III. Configuration Steps

1.     Open Wireshark, load a packet capture process as below.  AP lost firmware and is requesting for firmware.


1.  Assign IP address to laptop, enable TFTP Server and also prepare the firmware.


1.     Edit a notepad name as "FileList.txt", put it in the same folder as shown above,   the content is the firmware name you're going to transfer

1. AP will begin downloading firmware soon, verify by viewing TFTP Server connection status.

1. AP will reload when finish recovering firmware


IV. Verification

Login AP via telnet and AP is recovered.

1.3      Password Recovery

1.3.1     Recover AC &Fat AP password

I. Network Topology


II. Requirements

1. Finish reading System Management --> Console Management.

1. Login AC CLI via Console.


III. Configuration Steps

Recovering AC password (configuration file remains)

1. Power off AC, then power up.

1. Press CTRL + C, enter CTRL mode.


1. Input CTRL+Q, enter uboot mode. And then input "main_config_password_clear"


1. Device will reload automatically.


1.     When finish reloading, enter CLI without input password.

Note: The default timeout period is 10min. Please change your password before time out.


1.     Change password, and then use the command “wr” to save your configuration.


1.     save configuration


Re-login AC, execute commands "show runing-config" to check configurations.


1.4      Restore Factory Default

1.4.1     Restoring AC & FAT AP

I. Requirements

1. Finish reading Device Management --> System Management

1. Login CLI via console, telnet or SSH


II. Configuration Steps

Execute command "dir" to check file system


    Mode Link      Size               MTime Name

-------- ---- --------- ------------------- ------------------

            1      1600 1970-01-02 01:31:10 config.text

            1     11729 2015-06-18 02:03:26 cw_teardown_info.txt

   <DIR>    1         0 1970-01-01 00:00:00 dev/

            1        33 2015-06-03 00:04:25 dhcp_bind.dat

   <DIR>    4         0 1970-01-01 00:00:18 pkistore/

   <DIR>    5         0 1970-01-01 00:00:11 portal/

   <DIR>    0         0 1970-01-01 00:00:00 proc/

   <DIR>    1         0 1970-01-01 00:00:01 ram/

            1      1529 2015-03-09 16:31:28 reset.txt

            1   8359680 2015-03-09 16:31:26 rgos.bin

   <DIR>    2         0 1970-01-01 00:00:08 tmp/

            1    150740 1970-01-01 00:00:12 ucs_big5.db

            1    239708 1970-01-01 00:00:12 ucs_gb.db

   <DIR>    4         0 1970-01-01 00:00:12 web/

            1   2766752 1970-01-01 00:00:10 web_management_pack.upd


12 Files (Total size 12243866 Bytes), 7 Directories.

Total 132120576 bytes (126MB) in this device, 115515392 bytes (110MB) available.


"config.text" is configuration file, execute commands "del config.text" to set factory default

Ruijie#del config.text

Are you sure you want to delete "config.text"?[Yes/No]y 


Processed with reload? [no]y


After reloading, execute commands "show running-config" to check configuration.


1.4.2     Restoring FIT AP

I. Requirements

1. Finish reading Device Management --> System Management

1. Login CLI via console, telnet or SSH



II. Configuration Steps

Restore Factory Default

AC#conf t


AC(config-ac)#reset ?

all     Reset the all APs in this AC.

single  Reset the single ap.


Then the fit ap will restart automatically.


III. Verification

After reloading, execute commands "show running-config" to check configuration.


1.4.3     Restoring WALL AP

Especially, for Wall AP including AP110W, AP120W, AP130W

Long press "reset" button more than 8 seconds to set factory default.



1.5      Backup Configuration

1.5.1     Backup to Flash

I. Requirements

1. Finish reading System Management

1. Login device CLI via Console, telnet or SSH.


II. Configuration Steps

Execute command "dir" to check file system


Directory of flash:/

Number  Properties   Size               Time                    Name

------  ----------  ------    ------------------------  --------------------

  1       drwx      160B      Mon Oct 10 19:27:37 2016  dev                

  2       drwx      160B      Mon Mar 21 17:32:15 2016  rep                

  3       drwx      224B      Mon Mar 21 17:32:16 2016  var                

  4       drwx      160B      Mon Oct 10 19:27:40 2016  addr               

  5       -r--      4.1k      Wed Nov  2 16:27:00 2016  tmp_env.txt        

  6       -rwx      5.0k      Mon Mar 21 17:32:36 2016  hwd.db             

  7       -rw-      2.9k      Tue Oct 11 12:39:39 2016  virtual_switch.text

  8       drwx      304B      Mon Mar 21 17:32:42 2016  security           

  9       -rwx      180B      Fri Nov  4 16:48:45 2016  config_vac.dat     

 10       -rw-      14.8k     Fri Nov  4 16:48:46 2016  config.text        

 11       -rwx      384B      Thu Sep 29 10:21:54 2016  LIC-WLAN-AP-3200000003956646.lic

 12       -rwx      18B       Mon Sep 26 17:35:26 2016  test.txt           

 13       -rw-      718B      Tue Oct 11 09:14:18 2016  ap-standalone.text 

 14       -rwx      696B      Mon Mar 21 17:32:30 2016  httpd_cert.crt     

 15       -rwx      21B       Fri Nov  4 16:48:45 2016  syslog_rfc5424_flag.txt

 16       drwx      424B      Tue Mar 29 16:50:43 2016  portal             

 17       -rwx      44.4M     Mon Oct 31 18:20:17 2016  AM_RGOS11.1(5)B9_G1B5-01_03211300_install.bin

 18       -rwx      620B      Tue Oct 11 12:39:27 2016  rsa_private.bin    

 19       -rwx      336B      Sun Oct 30 15:32:36 2016  dsa_private.bin    

 20       -rw-      5.8k      Thu Jun 30 14:35:03 2016  text.bak           

 21       -rwx      384B      Wed Oct 12 17:17:05 2016  LIC-WLAN-AP-3200000003466646.lic

 22       drwx      296B      Thu Oct 13 13:45:02 2016  upgrade            

 23       drwx      160B      Fri Nov  4 09:36:26 2016  tech_vsd0          

 24       drwx      448B      Thu Sep 29 11:24:06 2016  rg_licns           

 25       drwx      312B      Mon Oct 10 19:57:36 2016  syslog             

 26       -rw-      147B      Tue Oct 11 12:39:39 2016  ap-virtual_switch.text

 27       -rw-      723B      Fri Nov  4 16:48:46 2016  ap-config.text     

 28       -rwx      187.1k    Fri Nov  4 18:27:03 2016  log-13-may-5.txt   

 29       -rwx      77.8M     Mon Oct 31 20:23:11 2016  AC_RGOS11.1(5)B9_G2C6-01_03201812_install.bin.up.tmp

 30       -rwx      887B      Mon Mar 21 17:32:30 2016  httpd_key.pem      

 31       -rw-      8.9k      Tue Oct 11 09:14:18 2016  standalone.text    

21 files, 10 directories

281,903,104 bytes data total (155,267,072 bytes free)

536,870,912 bytes flash total (155,267,072 bytes free)


"config.text" is configuration file, execute commands "copy flash:config.text flash:config.bak" to backup configuration file

"ap-config.text" is ap configuration file, execute commands "copy flash:ap-config.text flash:ap-config.bak" to backup ap configuration file


Ruijie#copy flash:config.text flash:config.bak

Ruijie#copy flash:ap-config.text flash:ap-config.bak


III. Verification

To view backup file, execute command "dir" to display filesystem. The file size should match.


Directory of flash:/

Number  Properties   Size               Time                    Name

------  ----------  ------    ------------------------  --------------------

  1       drwx      160B      Mon Oct 10 19:27:37 2016  dev                

  2       drwx      160B      Mon Mar 21 17:32:15 2016  rep                

  3       drwx      224B      Mon Mar 21 17:32:16 2016  var                

  4       drwx      160B      Mon Oct 10 19:27:40 2016  addr               

  5       -r--      4.1k      Wed Nov  2 16:27:00 2016  tmp_env.txt        

  6       -rwx      5.0k      Mon Mar 21 17:32:36 2016  hwd.db             

  7       -rw-      2.9k      Tue Oct 11 12:39:39 2016  virtual_switch.text

  8       drwx      304B      Mon Mar 21 17:32:42 2016  security           

  9       -rwx      180B      Fri Nov  4 16:48:45 2016  config_vac.dat     

 10       -rw-      14.8k     Fri Nov  4 16:48:46 2016  config.text        

 11       -rwx      384B      Thu Sep 29 10:21:54 2016  LIC-WLAN-AP-3200000003956646.lic

 12       -rwx      18B       Mon Sep 26 17:35:26 2016  test.txt           

 13       -rw-      718B      Tue Oct 11 09:14:18 2016  ap-standalone.text 

 14       -rwx      696B      Mon Mar 21 17:32:30 2016  httpd_cert.crt     

 15       -rwx      21B       Fri Nov  4 16:48:45 2016  syslog_rfc5424_flag.txt

 16       drwx      424B      Tue Mar 29 16:50:43 2016  portal             

 17       -rwx      44.4M     Mon Oct 31 18:20:17 2016  AM_RGOS11.1(5)B9_G1B5-01_03211300_install.bin

 18       -rwx      620B      Tue Oct 11 12:39:27 2016  rsa_private.bin    

 19       -rwx      336B      Sun Oct 30 15:32:36 2016  dsa_private.bin    

 20       -rw-      14.8k     Fri Nov  4 19:08:10 2016  config.bak         

 21       -rw-      5.8k      Thu Jun 30 14:35:03 2016  text.bak           

 22       -rwx      384B      Wed Oct 12 17:17:05 2016  LIC-WLAN-AP-3200000003466646.lic

 23       drwx      296B      Thu Oct 13 13:45:02 2016  upgrade            

 24       drwx      160B      Fri Nov  4 09:36:26 2016  tech_vsd0          

 25       drwx      448B      Thu Sep 29 11:24:06 2016  rg_licns           

 26       -rw-      723B      Fri Nov  4 19:08:21 2016  ap-config.bak      

 27       drwx      312B      Mon Oct 10 19:57:36 2016  syslog             

 28       -rw-      147B      Tue Oct 11 12:39:39 2016  ap-virtual_switch.text

 29       -rw-      723B      Fri Nov  4 16:48:46 2016  ap-config.text     

 30       -rwx      187.1k    Fri Nov  4 18:27:03 2016  log-13-may-5.txt   

 31       -rwx      77.8M     Mon Oct 31 20:23:11 2016  AC_RGOS11.1(5)B9_G2C6-01_03201812_install.bin.up.tmp

 32       -rwx      887B      Mon Mar 21 17:32:30 2016  httpd_key.pem      

 33       -rw-      8.9k      Tue Oct 11 09:14:18 2016  standalone.text    

23 files, 10 directories

281,903,104 bytes data total (155,394,048 bytes free)

536,870,912 bytes flash total (155,394,048 bytes free)


Tips: To read text file in CLI, exeute command "more config.bak"

WS6008#more config.bak

version AC_RGOS 11.1(5)B9, Release(03201812)

hostname WS6008


wlan-config 1 cmcp

 ssid-code utf-8


wlan-config 2 Eweb_BA832

 ssid-code utf-8

 band-select enable

 schedule session 2


wlan-config 3 Eweb_BA833

 ssid-code utf-8


wlan-config 4 oversea123

 ssid-code utf-8


wlan-config 5 Eweb_BA835

 ssid-code utf-8


wlan-config 13 test-for-sec


wlan-config 55 AM5528

 band-select enable

1.5.2     Backup to TFTP Server

I. Network Topology



II. Requirements

1. Finish reading System Management

1. Login device CLI via Console, telnet or SSH.

1. Run TFTP software in the PCs

1. TFTP Server is able to communicate with device


III. Configuration Steps

To copy files in flash to TFTP Server, execute commands "copy flash:config.text tftp:"

Ruijie#copy flash:config.text tftp://


IV. Verification

The backup configuration file will be copied to TFTP Server.


1.6      License Application

Problem: Wireless license import failed.



1.     Confirm whether the SN is correct via the official website.


After login successfully, input authorization code, and then click “search” to check whether the relative device SN is consistent with the practical SN.


1.     If the root case is the incorrect SN, unbind the License first


Visit official website ( ), unbind License files.

 Click "Service" ->”Support” ->"Product Licensing" ->choose "WLAN" for wireless license unbinding. Choose “Unbind License”-> choose “Wireless”-> click “Unbind License”, then click ”Complete” after filling  in product info.

Note: Before unbinding the license files, you should register first if you do not have an account for login.


Then in the pop-up dialog box,  click “finish” to submit an application.


Step2: After completing the application, submitted it to TAC for application via e-mail account: And then waiting for approval.

Click "Service" ->”Support” ->"Product Licensing" ->choose "WLAN" for wireless license unbinding. Choose “Unbind License”-> choose “Wireless”-> Check the approval status, if approved, customer can apply for a new license with the original S/N.



Warm prompt:

After unbind the license successfully, if you have the requirement of Wireless License Registration, please follow the following steps to apply for new license.

Step1: Obtain the license register number.

Open the attachment in the Authorization Letter to obtain the Authentication Code..


Or obtain the authentication code from the CD. There is a pdf file in the CD which is shown as follow:


Step2: Visit the official website, bind License files.

Click "Service" ->”Support” ->"Product Licensing" ->choose "WLAN" for wireless license binding, after filling in the information, click “Complete”, it will jump to the download page of. lic file.


Step3: Install the authorization document

Note: If the license obtained by user is a. lic file, install the license with the following way

 i) Upload the local license file to the wlc.

 Configuration Example:

Ruijie#copy tftp:// flash:/LIC-WLAN-AP-  800000015692434.lic

Press Ctrl+C to quit


Copy success.



ii) Install license file

 Configuration Example:

Ruijie# license install flash:LIC-WLAN-AP-800000015692434.lic

 Are you sure to install this license[y/n]:y

Success to install license file, service name: LIC-WLAN-AP-8.


Step3: Install the authorization document

Note: If the license obtained by user is a license key, install the license with the following way

i) The following shows the similar format of the license obtained by the user


Record the generated license key, connect to the wlan-ac device, and use the set license license command. If it prompts it is correct, the register application is successful. If it prompts the error, contact the Ruijie Customer Service center for the related consultation.


ii) Configure the License Basic Features

Configuration Example:

Ruijie# configure terminal

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

Ruijie(config)# set license AAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEE-FFFF-GGGG-HHHH  



Showing the License Configuration, you could find you have add new license successfully.

Ruijie# show license

1.7      FAQ

1.7.1     what traffic is need to be allowed to pass the firewall between the AC and the RADIUS server?

Interaction between the AC and the RADIUS server is generally based on the RADIUS protocol and SNMP. The ports to be opened are:

RADIUS port: Based on UDP. The default authentication port is 1812 and the default accounting port is 1813, which are both on the RADIUS server.

SNMP port: Based on UDP. The port is 161, which is on the AC.

1.7.2     How to kick a user offline

Check the user's MAC address:         

WS#show ac-con client by-ap-name

Total Sta Num : 4

Cnt    STA MACAP NAMEWlan Id   Radio Id  Vlan Id   Valid  

------ --------------- -------------------- --------- --------- --------- ---------



3   0026.c690.0a06  BF7_AP_011122091      


Kick the user offline:


WS(config-ac)#client-kick  H.H.H----->H.H.H is the user's MAC address.

Because the client will be automatically reconnected, when the show ac-con client by-ap-name command is run after the user is forced offline, the offline STA is still displayed.

1.7.3     Where is the ap-config file saved on the AC?

It’s saved in the ap-config.text file in AC flash.

1.7.4     Does the wireless network support VLAN-Group?

A VLAN-Group contains multiple VLANs. By associating with a VLAN-Group, a WLAN can map to multiple VLANs and VLANs can be flexibly allocated to STAs connected to the WLAN. The VLANs are allocated mainly in the following two modes:

After the STA passes the 802.1x authentication, the authentication server assigns a VLAN for the STA. The STA must be deployed in the 802.1x authentication mode and the authentication mode must be supported by the authentication server.

The server assigns the VLAN for the STA according to the idle status of the address pool.

1.7.5     How to view the wireless terminal type and operating system information on the AC?

Enable ip dhcp snooping and run the following command on AC:

ruijie#sh terminal-identify user

User entry list: 3

  mac-address     aging-time  terminal-type


  68df.ddc7.de5a     --:--    XIAOMI Phone Android 4.2

  3859.f98b.658b     --:--    PC Windows 7

  a844.8130.c304     --:--    Nokia Phone Windows 8


Note: Due to terminal restrictions, the terminal may not be identified completely correct. When the terminal is connected to the wireless network, a DHCP packet is sent. The device reads the option 60 field in the packet. The field carries the terminal type information. However, not the DHCP packet of all the terminals carries the field, and thus the read success rate is not 100%.

1.7.6   Which of “ap-conf all” and “ap-config name” takes effect first?

The AP configuration under ap-config name takes effect first. If the AP under ap-config name is not configured, the ap-config all configuration takes effect.

1.7.7     How to fix when the device cannot ping the domain name?


Supplement the configuration AC(config)#ip name-server, which is used to set the DNS domain name for the device. You can modify the configuration based on the actual environment. Ensure that the AC normally communicates with the extranet.

1.7.8     How to delete an offline AP?

Perform the following operation:

Ruijie(config)#no ap-config ap-name1

Ruijie(config)#no ap-config all   ----Delete the ap-config of all the offline APs.

Only configurations of offline APs can be deleted.

1.7.9     How to configure the location of a fit AP?

Refer to the following configuration:

Ruijie(config)#ap-config  001a.a9bf.ffdc

Ruijie(config-ap)#location meeting room

1.7.10  How to modify the address used by the AC to create the CAPWAP tunnel?


Ruijie(config-ac)#capwap ctrl-ip

1.7.11  How to modify the SSID of the wireless network?

Go to the WLAN configuration mode:


Ruijie(config)#wlan-config 1 “1” is the wlan sequence

Ruijie(config-wlan)#ssid yy    (yy is the new SSID)

1.7.12  How to configure the static AP IP address in fit AP mode?

Refer to the command: (when this parameter is modified, a tunnel is re-created.)

(1) Log on to the AP through the Console or Telnet port, and enter the global mode (the password is apdebug) to configure the static AP IP address, default route, and AC IP address:


Ruijie(config)#acip ipv4 // Configure the IP address for the AC.

Ruijie(config)#apip ipv4


(2) After the tunnel between the AP and the AC is created, log on to the AC to configure a static IP address for the AP:

Ruijie(config)#ap-config 220e    

Ruijie(config-ap)#acip ipv4 ---->Configure the IP address of the AC.

Ruijie(config-ap)#ip address ---->Configure the IP address, mask, and gateway for the AP. After configuration, the capwap tunnel will be re-created.


The configurations retain even the AP is restarted.

1.7.13  How to disable a radio of the AP?

In fat mode, directly go to this radio and shut it down.

Ruijie(config)#interface dot11radio 1/0

Ruijie(config-if-dot11radio 1/0)#shutdown

In fit mode:

Ruijie(config)#ap-config ap-name  ---->Go to the AP configuration mode

Ruijie(config-ap)#no enable-radio 1   ---->Disable the radio 1.

1.7.14  How to disable automatic adjustment for the RRM channel?

Ruijie(config)#advanced 802.11a channel global off

Ruijie(config)#advanced 802.11b channel global off

1.7.15  How to cancel AAA authentication for AC logon when AAA authentication is enabled on the AC?

You can cancel AAA authentication for AC logon by modifying the configurations.

Ruijie(config)#aaa new-model

Ruijie(config)#aaa authentication login no-login none ---->Create an AAA logon authentication list named "no-login" and set the configuration to none (no authentication).

Ruijie(config)#line con 0

Ruijie(config-line)#login authentication no-login ---->Apply the no-login to the console line, which indicates that the AAA authentication is not used.

Ruijie(config-line)#line vty 0 35

Ruijie(config-line)#login authentication no-login   ---->No password is needed for logon through the Telnet port.

1.7.16  How to configure switchover of the AC/AP O/E multiplexing interface

1.     On AP:

    Ruijie(config)#interface  gigabitEthernet0/1

   Ruijie(config-if-GigabitEthernet 0/1)# media-type baset ---->Enable the electrical interface.

Ruijie(config-if-GigabitEthernet 0/1)#media-type basex  ---->Enable the optical interface.

1.       On AC:

Ruijie(config)#interface gigabitEthernet 0/1

Ruijie(config-if-GigabitEthernet 0/1)#medium-type copper  

Ruijie(config-if-GigabitEthernet 0/1)#medium-type fiber

Ruijie(config-if-GigabitEthernet 0/1)#end


1.7.17  How to synchronize the AC time to the AP

Ruijie(config)# ap-config AP0001 //Enter the specified AP configuration mode.

Ruijie(config-ap)# timestamp /Configure AP0001 to synchronize the time of the local AC to the AP.

1.7.18  How to configure daily timed restart for the AP?

To prevent that the network connection is affected by too large load caused by long-time running of the AP, the daily timed restart can be set for the AP to ensure the network connection quality.


Configure Ruijie-AP1 to restart the AP at 1:00:00 each day on AC:

Ruijie(config)#ap-config Ruijie-AP1

Ruijie(config-ap)#reload at 1:00:00

1.7.19  How to close the LED indicator of the AP?

(1)   Define a schedule session.

AC(config)#schedule session 1

AC(config)#schedule session 1 time-range 1 period Sun to Sat time 00:00 to 23:59

(2)   Apply the schedule session on the AP

AC(config)#ap-config ap-name

AC(config-ap)#quiet-mode session 1


1.7.20  How to check the number of APs that can be supported by a device?

ruijie#sh ac-config

AC Configuration info:



license wtp max:32

license sta max:1024

serial auth      :Disable

password auth    :Disable

certificate auth :Disable

Bind AP MAC      :Disable

AP Priority      :Disable

supp_psk_cer     :Disable


ac location      :Ruijie_COM

1.7.21  How to view the MAC address of the AC?

WS6108#sh ac-config

AC State info:

sta_num          :0

act_wtp          :6

localIpAddr      :

localIpAddr6     :::

used wtp         :6.0(6 normal 0 half 0 zero)

remain wtp       :42 normal 84 half 634 zero

HW Ver           :1.01

SW Ver           :AC_RGOS 11.1(5)B7, Release(02231014)

Mac address      :5869.6c20.726a

Product ID       :WS6108

NET ID           :9876543210012345

NAS ID           :5869.6c20.726a


For VAC:

WS6108#show member

System description      : WS6108

System Mac Address      : 58:69:6C:20:72:6A



1.7.22  How to fix when the AP management address is forgotten?

1. Networking Requirements

The administrator forgets the management address of WALL-AP but does not want to modify the device configurations or the factory settings of the device cannot be restored. This method is also applicable for devices with a Console port but cannot be logged onto through the Console port.

1. Configuration Tips

1. Execute the packet capture software on a PC to capture packets from the interface of the wired network.

1. Connect the WALL-AP cable to the PC and power on the AP.

1. Configuration Steps

1. Execute the packet capture software (using Wireshark for an example) to capture packets from the wired interface.

(1) Select the interface.

(2) Select the wired interface of the AP and click Start to capture the packets.

(3) Connect the wired interface of the PC to the AP Ethernet port that is not powered on.

(4) Power on the AP to view packets output by the packet capture software on the PC. Pay attention to the ARP packets.

Because the PC is directly connected to the AP, all the ARP packets except those sent by the PC are ARP packets sent by the AP.

(5) After getting the AP IP address from the ARP packets, try to log on to the AP through the Telnet port.

(6) The AP may not send the ARP resolution packets. In this case, you can use the LLDP packets to obtain the AP management address. The Management Address in the LLDP packets is the management address of the AP.

(7) If you still cannot log on to the AP, restore the factory settings of WALL-AP, which results in loss of all configurations. You can try to log on to APs with the Console port from a serial port.

It is found that during actual packet capture, the AP often does not send the ARP resolution packets. In this case, you can use the LLDP packets to obtain the AP management address.

1. The following is a packet capture screenshot:

1. Click to open the LLDP packet. The part in the red frame below is the management address of the AP:

1.7.23   How to fix when the system can output information but cannot be operated during CRT-based logon through the Console port?

1. Symptom

According to the AP320-I users, in case of logon through the Console port, there is information prompted, but no response is returned after Enter is pressed. Besides, no command can be entered.

1. Network Environment

The AP is new and just installed. It is logged onto through CRT.

1. Troubleshooting Steps

(1) Check whether the CRT or the HyperTerminal is used. If CRT is used, uncheck CTS/RTS.

(2) If an additional cable is used, confirm whether the driver is installed correctly.

(3) Change the baud rate. The baud rate for the version 1T8 is 115200 bps.

(4) Change the console cable and the PC.

1. Solution

Uncheck CTS/RTS.

1. Summary and Precautions

Summary: Other faults caused by the CRT traffic control function.

(1) You cannot use CRT to log on to the console.

(2) After CRT-based logon, the operation window is blank, the system outputs no information but the cursor flashes. The system has no response after you press Enter.

(3) After CRT-based logon, the operation window is blank, the system outputs no information but the cursor flashes. After you press Enter, the cursor moves but the system still outputs no information.

(4) After CRT-based logon, the system outputs information, but has no response after your press Enter and does not allow you to perform any operation.

(5) After HyperTerminal-based logon, the Data Traffic Control in COM attribute settings must be set to None.

1.7.24  How many APs can different AC Model manage?

A WALL-AP occupies only 0.5 license. "<=4000" means up to4,000 WALL-APs are supported.

Run the show ac-c command in AC to display license occupation information. The meaning of four, normal, half, and zero is described below.

four: The AP occupies four licenses. Currently, only APs of the model AM5528 and AM5528(ES) occupy four licenses each. APs of the model AM5514 only occupy two licenses each.

normal: An ordinary AP occupies only one license, including AP220-E, AP320-I, and AP520.

half: A WALL-AP occupies only 0.5 license.

zero: The AP occupies no license. The AP is AP(MAP552(SR)) and APD-M.

1.7.25  How to view the number of licenses occupied by different AP model on AC?

AC#show ap-config product

Product ID           Hardware Version    Count    Used Wtp

--------------------    ----------------          --------       --------

AM5528                      1.00                    245      980.0

AP520                         1.00                   906      906.0

AP630(IDA)                1.50                    33        33.0

AP630(IODA)              1.00                   83        83.0

1.7.26  How to migrate a wireless AC license to another device (unbinding license)

(1)   Upgrade the device version to RGOS 11.1(5)B9 or a later version.

For authentication code:

Run the AC(config)#no set license activation-key command to unbind the authorized code. (The activation-key is a 32-bit activation code.)

For authentication file:

Run the AC#license unbind authorized file name command to unbind the authorized file to get the verification code.


You can run the show license unbind-code or show apmg debug unbind command to display the verification code.

Note: after activation code of the unbound license is deleted, the license cannot be installed on the device again.

(2) Submit the device serial number, the license activation code, and verification code on Ruijie authentication system( to unbind the license on the authorization system. Contact Ruijie TAC to approve the unbinding.

(3) To bind the license again, submit the serial number of the new device and authorization code to register the license. A new activation code is obtained.

(4) Install the new activation code to the new AC.


For More details, please refer to WLAN License Activation Guide:

1.7.27   Can multiple temporary licenses be imported to the same device?

You can apply for a temporary license for an AC three times. The application is automatically reviewed and approved. Only one temporary license of the same specifications can be imported into an AC. The second license overwrites the first. Multiple temporary licenses of different specifications can coexist in one AC. For example, when two temporary licenses can manage 32 APs are applied for the same AC, only one license can be imported to the AC. When a license can manage 32 APs and a license can management 128 APs are applied for the same AC, both licenses can be imported to the AC.

1.7.28   How to bind a license on VAC

(1) When VAC deployment is not finished yet, the procedure is same to that of normal AC


(2) When VAC deployment is finished, the procedure is basically the same. Bind the corresponding license authorization code to the device according to its serial number.


For authentication code, use set license command to bind the authentication code on main AC.

For authentication files, all the authorization files must be imported to the main AC and operated by running the following commands.

   AC#license auto-install flash: LIC-WLAN-AP-51200000001765223.lic

The authorization files can be automatically uploaded.

If the authorization file is operated on the standby AC, the message "% Can’t execute this command in redundancy slave" is prompted.

(3) AC#license install means that the authorization file is only installed in this host.

1.7.29   Will APs go offline immediately if the license is unblind from AC?

No. The AP will not go offline unless it goes offline actively or the AC is restarted. As long as the current AP does not actively go offline and the AC is not restarted, the AP will always be online.

1.7.30   Will online Aps be kicked offline when the licenses are insufficient after temporary authorization expires?

No. APs will not be kicked offline due to deletion of temporary or formal authorization. The system judges whether the licenses are sufficient only when the AP is getting online. APs that go offline after authorization expire cannot go online again.



      Basic Features

2.1      Fit AP Configuration

2.1.1     CAPWAP


With the development of wireless LAN, WLAN technology has been widely used in various fields such as family, enterprise and public places etc. The transmission of wireless frame between access point and wireless terminations in the form of electromagnetic wave instead of wired medium, which makes the wireless terminals movable freely. WLAN technology is the integration of Ethernet and wireless technology and makes wireless terminals easy to access to the wireless local area network. Access point is the middle-transfer-device between wireless terminals and Access Controller in WLAN. When there are plenty of access points in WLAN, how to manage these Aps is key problem in operation.


FAT AP Architecture

In the traditional network architecture, the WTPs completely implement and terminate the 802.11 function so that frames on the wired LAN are 802.3 frames. Each WTP can be independently managed as a separate network entity on the network. The access point in such a network is often called a “Fat AP”.


FIT AP Architecture

The thin AP architecture is a hierarchical architecture that involves a WLAN controller that is responsible for configuration, control, and management of several WTPs. The WLAN controller is also known as the Access Controller (AC). The 802.11 function is split between the WTP and the AC. Because the WTPs in this model have a reduced function as compared to the fat AP architecture, they are called “Fit APs.”

Fit AP Architecture Advantages

Centralized management

Automatic software upgrade

High security and low interference

Since the distinct advantages of fit AP architecture, it’s generally adopted especially in large networks with many APs. The CAPWAP framework is used to define the interface and protocol between an AC and its controlled APs.

Currently, each manufacturer adopts their own private tunnel protocols to exchange messages between AC and AP and this leads to the problem that the AC and AP from different manufacturers cannot communicate with each other.

To solve this problem, IETFCAPWAP working group is set up in 2005 to standardize the tunnel protocols between AC and AP (RFC5415).


2 Terms Explanation

CAPWAP       Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points

Local MAC    Local Medium Access Control

Split MAC      Split Medium Access Control

DTLS             Datagram Transport Layer Security

WTP              Wireless Terminal Point

AC                 Access Control

AP                 Access Point


3 CAPWAP Overview

CAPWAP (Control and Provisioning of Wireless Access Points) is a generic protocol that enables a controller to manage a collection of Wireless Terminal Point (WTP). The CAPWAP protocol is described in RFC 5415 which does not include specific wireless technologies; instead, it relies on a binding specification to extend the technology to a particular wireless technology. The binding specifications for the IEEE 802.11 wireless protocol are defined in RFC5416.

CAPWAP is an application layer protocol over UDP. It uses the Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) encryption mechanism which is standard IETF protocol based on TLS.

CAPWAP Main Functions

To centralize the authentication and policy enforcement functions for a wireless network. The AC may also provide centralized bridging, forwarding and encryption of user traffic.

To enable shifting of the higher-level protocol processing from the WTP. This leaves the time-critical applications of wireless control and access in the WTPs, which are subject to severe cost pressure.

To provide an extensible protocol that is not bound to a specific wireless technology.


 The CAPWAP tunnel is divided into:

Control tunnel:  to transport the CAPWAP control messages

Data tunnel: to transport the CAPWAP data messages


See the figure below for CAPWAP tunnel:

2.1 Local MAC and Split MAC

In the split MAC mode, all the layer 2 wireless data and management frames will be encapsulated by CAPWAP protocol and exchanged between AC and WTP.

As shown in figure 1, the wireless frames received from the station will be directly encapsulated and forwarded to AC.


In the local MAC mode, the data frames can be forwarded through local bridge or 802.3 frames as shown in figure 2. In this mode, layer 2 management frames is encapsulated to802.3 frames on WTP and then forwarded to AC.


The functionassignment of Local MAC and Split MAC in CAPWAP protocol is listed in the table below:

2.2 CAPWAP Working Process

Once one WTP is connected to the network, it will enter the state of AC discovery. WTP sends “discovery request” by means of broadcast, multicast or unicast. When unicast is used, WTP needs to obtain the IP address table of AC through DHCP or DNS. The ACs that receive “discovery request” will send “discovery response” to WTP.WTP will then select one among all responding ACs to establish DTLS connection. After DTLS is established successfully, WTP will send “john request” and AC will reply “john response” to confirm. If the firmware’s version on the WTP is overdue, the firmware update process is started and the WTP will download the latest firmware from AC. After firmware updating successfully, the WTP will restart and enter the discovery process again. If the firmware is the latest, the WTP will download the configuration parameters from AC and then enter the “run” process.

The whole process is illustrated in the figure below:



2.3 CAPWAP Session Establishment Process

The ladder diagram below illustrates the CAPWAP session establishment and message exchanges process between a WTP and AC.

2. WTP sends “discovery request” by means of broadcast, multicast or unicast to discover the available ACs in the network.

2.  After receiving the “discovery request” from WTP, AC responds a “Discovery Response” message to WTP to tell the supported service.

2.  When the DTLS connection is established, WTP sends the “Join Request” to the AC to request service.

2.  AC responds “Join Response” message to inform the WTP that AC can provide service to it.

2.  WTP sends “Image data request” message to AC.

2. AC responds “Image data response” message to WTP and WTP can download firmware from AC.

2.  WTP sends the current configuration information in “Configuration Status Request” message to AC.

2. AC provides the configuration parameters by responding “Configuration Status Response” message to WTP and WTP request configuration is covered.

2. WTP informs AC that WTP radio state is changed by sending “Change State Event Request” message to AC.

2. AC responds “Change State Event Response” message to WTP.

2. WTP sends “Echo Request” to keep the connection alive when other messages are not exchanged.

2. AC responds “Echo Response” to WTP.


2.4 FIT AP Network Topology

In this topology, SKG1000 (AC) is responsible to manage a number of ACs and the communication between AC and AP is realized through CAPWAP tunnels.

As a powerful and high performance AC developed by SKSpurce, SKG1000 can support up to 20000APs and 220K users.


2.1.2     Basic Configuration


With fit APs, a network consists of a wired switch, access controllers (ACs) and fit APs. APs are simple wireless access points without management and control functions. The AC manages all APs and sends control policies, which are not configured on each AP, to specified APs, as shown in the following figure. The AC is connected with multiple APs via the wired network, and users only need to configure and manage associated APs with the AC.


I. Requirements

a.     AC distribute the configuration to all APs, and manage all Aps

b.     All APs emit radio signals and connect STA             


II. Network Topology

III. Configuration Tips

1) Make sure that AC and AP's firmware should be consistent, using command in CLI "Ruijie>show version"

2) Make sure AP is working on fit mode, using command in CLI "Ruijie>show ap-mode " to check. If it shows fat mode, please modify as follow step

Ruijie>enable                 ------>enter the previlege mode

Ruijie#configure terminal     ------>enter the config mode

Ruijie(config)#ap-mode fit   ------>modify to fit-mode

Ruijie(config)#end   ------>exit the config mode

Ruijie#write                   ------>save the config   


IV. Configuration Steps

1) Configure AC

Step1: config Vlan, include user vlan and interconnect vlan,


Ruijie#configure terminal   

Ruijie(config)#vlan 20    ------>user vlan

Ruijie(config-vlan)#name sta


Ruijie(config)#vlan 30    ------>user vlan

Ruijie(config-vlan)#name sta


Ruijie(config)#vlan 40    ------>interconnect vlan for ac and sw1


Ruijie(config)#interface vlan 20   ------>user interface vlan(must config)

Ruijie(config-int-vlan)#ip add  ----->(optional config), in this case, user gateway is configured on sw1, so ip address for this

interface can be configured or not.

Ruijie(config)#interface vlan 30   ------>user interface vlan(must config)

Ruijie(config-int-vlan)#ip add  ----->(optional config), in this case, user gateway is configured on sw1, so ip address for this

interface can be configured or not.



Step2Config ssid (multi ssid)

Ruijie(config)#wlan-config 1  Ruijie1    

Ruijie(config-wlan)#enable-broad-ssid        ------->enable broadcast ssid


Ruijie(config)#wlan-config 2  Ruijie2    

Ruijie(config-wlan)#enable-broad-ssid        ------->enable broadcast ssid



Step3Config ag-group

Ruijie(config)#ap-group default           

Ruijie(config-ap-group)#interface-mapping 1 20      ------->associate wlan-config 1 with user vlan 30

Ruijie(config-ap-group)#interface-mapping 2 30       ------->associate wlan-config 2 with user vlan 30     


NoteIf config ag-goup default, then all AP will asscociate to " ap-group default" group


Step4Config svi and routing

Ruijie(config)#ip route   ------->default routing to sw1

Ruijie(config)#interface vlan 40    ------->interconnect vlan with sw1

Ruijie(config-int-vlan)#ip address      


Ruijie(config)#interface loopback 0

Ruijie(config-int-loopback)#ip address  ------->AC initialize CAPWAP tunnel setup from loopback 0 interface


Ruijie(config)#interface GigabitEthernet 0/1      

Ruijie(config-int-GigabitEthernet 0/1)#switchport mode trunk       ------->connect to sw1, trunk port, allow user vlanAP vlanAC-to-SW1 vlan


Step5Save config

Ruijie(config-int-GigabitEthernet 0/1)#end       



2) Configure core switch(SW1)

Step1Vlan config, config user vlan, ap vlan and interconnect vlan


Ruijie#configure terminal    

Ruijie(config)#vlan 10    ------>ap vlan


Ruijie(config)#vlan 20    ------>user vlan


Ruijie(config)#vlan 30    ------>user vlan


Ruijie(config)#vlan 40    ------>interconnect vlan with AC



Step2Config interface and svi

Ruijie(config)# interface GigabitEthernet 0/1      

Ruijie(config-int-GigabitEthernet 0/1)#switchport mode trunk       ------->uplink port, connect to AC, trunk port,allow user vlanAP vlanAC-to-SW1 vlan

Ruijie(config-int-GigabitEthernet 0/1)#exit

Ruijie(config)#interface GigabitEthernet 0/2

Ruijie(config-int-GigabitEthernet 0/2)#switchport mode trunk       ------->downlink port, connect to SW2,trunk port,allow user vlanAP vlan

Ruijie(config-int-GigabitEthernet 0/2)#exit

Ruijie(config)#interface vlan 10   ------>ap gateway

Ruijie(config-int-vlan)#ip address

Ruijie(config-int-vlan)#interface vlan 20      ------->sta gateway

Ruijie(config-int-vlan)#ip address

Ruijie(config-int-vlan)#interface vlan 30       ------->sta gateway

Ruijie(config-int-vlan)#ip address

Ruijie(config-int-vlan)#interface vlan 40       ------->interconnect with ac

Ruijie(config-int-vlan)#ip address



Step3Conifg ip dhcp server

Ruijie(config)#service dhcp  

Ruijie(config)#ip dhcp pool ap_ruijie   ------->create dhcp pool for ap,pool name is ap_ruijie

Ruijie(config-dhcp)#option 138 ip   ------->config option 138, assign ac loopaback 0 ip address

Ruijie(config-dhcp)#network   ------->assign these address to ap

Ruijie(config-dhcp)#default-route   ------->assign the gateway to ap


Ruijie(config)#ip dhcp pool user_ruijie1   ------->create dhcp pool for sta,pool name is user_ruijie

Ruijie(config-dhcp)#network   ------->assign these address to sta

Ruijie(config-dhcp)#default-route  ------->assign the gateway to sta

Ruijie(config-dhcp)#dns-server  ------->assign the dns to sta


Ruijie(config)#ip dhcp pool user_ruijie2   ------->create dhcp pool for sta,pool name is user_ruijie

Ruijie(config-dhcp)#network   ------->assign these address to sta

Ruijie(config-dhcp)#default-route  ------->assign the gateway to sta

Ruijie(config-dhcp)#dns-server  ------->assign the dns to sta



//Note: when there is no dhcp pool for AP, You could also excute command to assign acip and apip for ap. configuration example is as follow:

Ruijie(config)#acip ipv4 x.x.x.x

Ruijie(config)#apip ipv4 x.x.x.x


Step4Config static routing

Ruijie(config)#ip route   ------->config static route, route to AC loopback0


Step5Save configuration




3) Configure access switch (SW2)

Step1Config vlan, create ap vlan


Ruijie#configure terminal    

Ruijie(config)#vlan 10   



Step2Config interface

Ruijie(config)#interface GigabitEthernet 0/1      

Ruijie(config-int-GigabitEthernet 0/1)#switchport access vlan 10 ------->connect to AC,  access port, allow ap vlan

Ruijie(config-int-GigabitEthernet 0/1)#exit

Ruijie(config)#interface GigabitEthernet 0/2

Ruijie(config-int-GigabitEthernet 0/2)#switchport mode trunk       ------->connect to SW1, trunk port


Step3Save configuration

Ruijie(config-int-GigabitEthernet 0/2)#end       



V. Verification

1) STA connect to the ssid

2) Check ap config on AC

Ruijie#show ap-config summary

========= show ap status =========

Radio: E = enabled, D = disabled, N = Not exist

       Current Sta number     

       Channel: * = Global

       Power Level = Percent

Online AP number: 1

Offline AP number: 0

AP Name                                  IP Address      Mac Address    Radio 1             Radio 2             Up/Off time   State

---------------------------------------- --------------- -------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------- -----

   1414.4b13.c248                     1414.4b13.c248 E   1       6*  100 E   0     153*  100    0:09:04:28 Run


3) Check sta information on AC

Ruijie#show ac-config client by-ap-name

========= show sta status =========

AP   : ap name/radio id

Status: Speed/Power Save/Work Mode, E = enable power save, D = disable power save


Total Sta Num: 1

STA MAC        IPV4 Address    AP                                       Wlan Vlan Status         Asso Auth Net Auth  Up time     

-------------- --------------- ---------------------------------------- ---- ---- -------------- --------- --------- -------------

2.27b0.169f    1414.4b13.c248/1               1    20   58.0M/D/bn      WPA2_PSK        0:00:11:21

8ca9.829a.b1ea    1414.4b13.c248/1              2     30  58.0M/D/bn      WPA2_PSK        0:03:22:31




What if it don’t work?

Use the following steps while aps cannot go online:

1)     Confirm whether the versions of AC and AP are consistent, if not, recommend to upgrade first, the latest firmware could be download from our official website:


2)     Confirm whether the AP obtain ip address and ACIP successfully or not with command below:

AP# Show ip int br

AP#show capwap client sta


3)     Confirm the connectivity between AP and ACIP, if disconnected, check the ip routes on AP:

AP# show ip route


If there is not ip route pointing to ACIP, add an ip route,examples are as follows

AP(config)# ip route


4)     Confirm whether the license is not enough.

Examples are as follows:

WS5302#sh ac-config

AC Configuration info:

max_wtp         :32 // configure wtp limit on ac-con mode to limit the AP number.

sta_limit       :1024

license wtp max :32 //ap numbers can be supported on ac.

license sta max :1024

serial auth     :Disable

password auth   :Disable

certificate auth:Disable

supp_psk_cer    :Disable

r_mac           :Enable

da_dtls         :Disable

ac_name         :Ac_001aa917151c

udp_lite        :UDP

ECN_Sup         :Disable

mtu             :1500

ap_sw_ver       :

ac location     :Ac_COM

ac_ipv4_num     :0

ac_namewp_num   :0


AC State info:

sta_num         :0

act_wtp         :1


WS5302#show license //check the license

Serial Number   : 9071FH4280024


 No. Activation Key                          AP Number



Total 32 access points are supported.

WS5302#show ap-config summary 

========= show ap status =========

Radio: E = enabled, D = disabled, N = Not exist

       Current Sta number

       Channel: * = Global

       Power Level = Percent


Online AP number: 1 //online AP number

Offline AP number: 0


AP Name                                  IP Address      Mac Address    Radio 1             Radio 2             Up/Off time   State

---------------------------------------- --------------- -------------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------- -----

001a.a94e.d529                    001a.a94e.d529 E   0      11*  100 E   0     157*  100    0:03:09:17 Run


5)     If the AP still could not go online successfully after checking the infomation above, collect the info with the following command list and submit a case to our case portal for further checking:

1)  collect info on AC:

show version

show running

show ac-config

show license

show ap-config summary

show capwap sta

show cpu

show memory

show ip route

show ip interface brief


2)Collect info on AP:

show version

show ap-mode

show capwap sta

show ip route

show log

show ap-statistic aclist (confirm whether ap obtains option 138 address)

show capwap client state (11.x)



2.1.3     AC Directly Connect to AP

I. Requirements

    1) AC connect to AP directly

    2) This scene is usually used in the lab in usual.


II. Network Topology


III. Configuration Tips

1) Make sure that AC and AP's firmware should be consistent, using command in CLI "Ruijie>show version"

2) Make sure AP is working on fit mode, using command in CLI "Ruijie>show ap-mode " to check. If it shows fat mode, please modify as follow step

Ruijie>enable                 ------>enter the previlege mode

Ruijie#configure terminal     ------>enter the config mode

Ruijie(config)#ap-mode fit   ------>modify to fit-mode

Ruijie(config)#end   ------>exit the config mode

Ruijie#write                   ------>save the config  


IV. Configuration Steps

Step1: config vlan, create user vlan and ap vlan


Ruijie#configure terminal    

Ruijie(config)#vlan 1  


Ruijie(config)#vlan 2   



Step2: config AP, STA gateway and loopback 0

Ruijie(config)#interface vlan 1   ------>ap gateway

Ruijie(config-int-vlan)#ip address


Ruijie(config)#interface vlan 2   ------>sta gateway

Ruijie(config-int-vlan)#ip address    


Ruijie(config)#interface loopback 0

Ruijie(config-int-loopback)#ip address 



Step3: config SSID

config Wlan-config

Ruijie(config)#wlan-config 1  Ruijie-test     ------->config ssid named Ruijie-test    

Ruijie(config-wlan)#enable-broad-ssid        ------->enable brocast ssid


config ap-group

Ruijie(config)#ap-group default                 

Ruijie(config-ap-group)#interface-mapping 1 2      ------->associate with wlan-config 1 and vlan2



Step4: config AC interface  

Ruijie(config-int-loopback)#interface GigabitEthernet 0/1      

Ruijie(config-int-GigabitEthernet 0/1)#switchport access vlan 1       ------->connect to ap, allow ap vlan


Step5: config ip dhcp server for AP

Ruijie(config)#service dhcp 

Ruijie(config)#ip dhcp pool ap_ruijie