HONG KONG, 14 Jun 2013 - E-learning has become more and more popular in HK education industry.  How to better improve the existing campus network infrastructure to cater for such trend becomes critical for the future success of e-learning.  In order to assist K12 teachers to equip with sufficient knowledge in this area, the Education Infrastructure Division of the Education Bureau of HKSAR has organized a workshop on 10 June.  This workshop has attracted near 50 IT teachers and technical support staff to attend.   

                                                     Mr. William Ho – Regional Head, Product Manager of Ruijie Networks
                                                                          Mr. Chu Ka-tim - Hong Kong True Light College
As one of the major networking solution provider in HK K12 market, Ruijie has actively participated in this event.  Mr. William Ho – the Regional Head, Product Manager of Ruijie Networks, has briefly discussed the basic networking knowledge and introduced the concept of network capacity planning to all participants of this workshop.  In addition, his speech has also covered the knowledge of how to control and guarantee the performance of future cloud-based e-learning applications.  
In the 2nd part of this workshop, Mr. Chu Ka-tim, the representative of Hong Kong True Light College has shared his past experience and insights of campus network planning and expansion project, including the selection of firewall, network management platform and how to cater for future e-learning requirements.