Ruijie Networks has received high-profile industry recognition by winning the IT Solution Excellence Award at the PCM Biz IT Excellence 2012 with its Ruijie Hospitality Solution.

The PCM Biz IT Excellence 2012 is organized by the PC Market, a renowned IT industry magazine in Hong Kong to identify and reward key ICT industry solution and service providers that set unparalleled standards of excellence.  Ruijie Hospitality Solution competed with a number of the top local industry players for this title and has been selected by a panel of independent judges formed by the PCM editorial group.

Mr. Jack Wu (Left), Ruijie Regional Director and Mr. Fizz Leung, Ruijie Senior Sales Manager

The awarded IT Excellence solution – Ruijie Hospitality Solution creates new business opportunities for hotels, resorts and convention centers.  This solution assists them to provide the first class service for their guest and becomes more competitive in the market.

Mr. Jack Wu - Ruijie Regional Director, said, ”We are honored to be recognized as one of the best IT solution in the Hong Kong hospitality industry.  We work with a vision to create higher values for our hotel customers and make their hotels in the industry-leading position.  Through working with some of the hospitality providers in Hong Kong, we have achieved this, and we will continue to collaborate with them to provide the best level of service quality for all the guests.”

For more information, please visit:

Ruijie Hospitality Solution Official Website: