Organized by Beijing Hotel Professional Executive magazine, the American Hotel Education Association, and UBM Sinoexpo, the 5th International Elite Forum of Hotel Professional Executive (HPE) was held at Shanghai New International Expo Center. In the background of “Globalization and China Hotel Industry—Innovation and Development, Opportunities and Challenges”, the forum introduced the technical terms of investment, operation, management, energy saving, and information, for people in the hotel industry to grasp the latest hotel development trend and the forefront of information. Li Changzhi, leader of Hotel industry of Ruijie Networks, along with “successful hotel network solutions”, attended the guest forum.

According to the development of China, the World Tourism Organization (WTO) predicted that China would be No.1 in entry tourism in the world until 2015. The market demand would boom and develop the hotel industry. For another, because of national macro-policies, China real estate businessmen would steer to commercial estates, so that the investment and construction of the China hotel industry would grow vigorously. The hotel industry would enter a new era of development. However, the appearance of newly opened hotels would intensify the competition of the industry.

Ruijie networks believed that hotels must apply information and technologies to improve core competence. In the information application of hotels, three problems exist: security, national laws and regulations, and actual information application. The successful hotel solutions of Ruijie Networks are able to improve efficiency in the respect of hotel operations and management and to reduce cost. A successful hotel is judged by the following elements: brand, grade, and profitability. The successful hotel solutions are designed based on the above elements.