On November 24, 2011, the 2011 China IT O&M Conference was held in the Beijing Empark Grand Hotel. The conference was hosted by the China Computer User Association and China Electronic Information Industry Development Research Institute and organized by the IT O&M Network and the Network Administrator World magazine. Unites in many levels participated in this conference positively. More than 400 delegates from the governments across the country, and the finance, telecommunication, energy, manufacture, and education industries attended the conference.

In this conference, a grand opening ceremony was held for the China IT O&M Alliance. This organization, on the basis of specialty background of China’s IT O&M members, aims to provide free consultation and test services for domestic enterprises and public institutions. It also helps units to learn about IT system status and discover defects of network systems, and provides guidance and recommendations for system improvement so as to enhance IT O&M capability and quality and informatization level. Ruijie Networks and Teamsun, Ultrapower, IBM, HP, Betasoft and other famous vendors joined the organization to promote China’s informatization and IT O&M capability and quality.

In this conference, Ruijie Networks’ consultant Fu Liang gave a lecture titled "Activating IT Value-Ruijie Networks’ Best IT OAM Practices." The lecture, starting from the market and industry environment to industry policies, deeply analyzed enterprise IT O&M status and specified the IT O&M development direction. It was the first to propose the idea "ITIB-IT Is Business". It also used a series of Ruijie Networks’ special "ServiceOne" IT O&M solutions to tell users how to implement the idea, and introduced all successful cases to present customers. The lecture pushed the conference to a new high. The idea "ITIB-IT Is Business" refreshed and inspired all attendants. Many customers came to the exhibition stand of Ruijie Networks for consultation.

This conference summed up the year that would pass soon, assessed vendors based on market survey, and awarded the vendors that make outstanding contributions to IT O&M in 2011. Ruijie Networks was awarded the 2011 China IT O&M Best Practice. This award indicates that Ruijie Networks’ customers accept Ruijie Networks and its solutions. It integrates great hardwork and wisdom of Ruijie Network. Ruijie Networks will do better next year with the goals of helping more customers to fulfill their dreams and implementing the ITIB idea on customer sides.