To better integrate government resources and share information, strengthen security of basic information network and important information systems, solidify the foundations to build Smart Yangzhou, Yangzhou municipal government proposed to build Yangzhou Data Resource Center, and listed it a priority among other information projects in 2011. Recently, Ruijie Networks won the bid for Yangzhou Data Center Construction Project with leading advantages in network solutions and was selected to construct First-Stage project. In addition, Ruijie will also contribute its efforts to other projects in the next five years.

As required by the state to build e-government WAN under unified framework, Yangzhou Data Center needs to build a government data center featuring highly integrated and shared resources to provide all provincial government departments with a secure and reliable environment for all application systems. It was reported that Yangzhou Data Center network includes intranet and extranet. The e-government extranet will be for government organ offices, social monitoring services and non-confidential businesses. It will be the working platform for cross-department and cross-sector information exchange and collaborative office, and provide backstage support for e-government services. The e-government intranet will connect all provincial and municipal departments, provincial intranet and special network of multiple departments. It will realize horizontal and vertical connectivity while ensuring information security. All these put strict requirements on the security and stability of network systems.

According to the strict and complicated requirements of Yangzhou Data Center, Ruijie Networks customized a whole set of network solutions for next-generation cloud computing data center. The whole set of solutions include flexible support to multiple services, unified MPLS VPN planning, unified IP address planning, Internet egress design, comprehensive information system operation and maintenance, and network security. Technical director from Ruijie Networks said that Yangzhou Cloud Computing Data Center will feature large scale, standard, and high performance as well as virtualization and automation. It will be more reliable, advanced, smarter, and low carbon. The data center will use RG-S12000 Cloud Computing series of Ruijie Networks. This series integrate network, virtualization, non-blocking switching network and intellectualization. The RG-S12000 Cloud Computing series is the first family product of data center switches with overall cloud computing features. Its technical advantages ensure the leading position of Ruijie Networks in the next-generation switches. It is another result of our self-innovation efforts.

Yangzhou represents the first model city approved by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to build into a Smart City. Smart Yangzhou project will give full play to the role of mobile Internet, Internet of Things, cloud computing and other modern technologies with economic development, government services, urban management and information foundation at its core to promote series of projects for information sharing, and business collaboration, as well as illustrative smart pilot projects. All these efforts are designed to enhance urban management, people’s well-being, public service and resource allocation. Yangzhou municipal government selected Ruijie Networks as the sole solution supplier to the data center project based on the rich experiences in government information projects and the highly reliable network projects developed by Ruijie Networks independently. As Ruijie goes deeper in this effort, it will for sure contribute greater to the construction of Smart Yangzhou.