Recently, Ruijie Networks' training program for backbone vocational teachers was nominated for the record of the Education Ministry, becoming one of the 413 projects that will be reviewed by the Ministry of Education.

It is reported that a total of 546 training programs were submitted by seven vocational teacher training bases, 23 Professional Education Steering Committees for vocational education, and 63 state model (backbone) vocational education institutes. Reviewed by the Education Ministry, 413 of them were included in the record. With unique characteristics, Ruijie Backbone Vocational Teacher Training Program was listed for the record.

The backbone vocational teacher training program was co-submitted by the Education Ministry Vocational Computer Teaching Steering Committee and Ruijie Networks, with the purpose to improve skills and professional teaching standards of vocational teachers, actively promote the research and development of computer classes and courses in vocational schools, and strengthen communication between colleges and universities. The program is totally based on the Opinions on Comprehensively Improving the Quality of Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education and the Notice on Putting in Record and Distributing 'the Teacher Training Program 2011 for National Vocational Education Teacher Training Bases, Teaching Steering Committees, and National Model (Backbone) Vocational Schools' issued by the Vocational Education and Adult Education Division of the Ministry of Education, which gives unique advantages to this program.

The training program is not to make money, but to provide training mainly for teachers in higher vocational colleges. The attending and qualified teachers will be awarded the appropriate level of Ruijie certification and Senior College Backbone Teacher Training Certificate.

"Currently, we have launched a nationwide comprehensive teacher training program, which gained positive response and support from regional institutions. The first several training courses will be held in the Ruijie authorized training centers in Hangzhou, Guangzhou, Fuzhou in July and August 2011. The First I-class training will be delivered in mid-July in Hangzhou." said Ruijie Network University project director.

As Ruijie's professional network technology education and research institution, Ruijie Network University has been dedicated to the development of innovative research and training model of online courses. The project application success is the result of the Ruijie Network University's positive response and outstanding contributions to the implementation of national education reform projects and vocational teacher training programs.

In the years of the development of Ruijie Network University, almost every stage is a bright shining light. In 2005, Ruijie Network University was selected as a designated teacher training institution of emergently needed technology talents by the Vocational Education and Adult Education Department of the Ministry of Education; in 2006, it was recognized as a secondary network vocational institute by the education bureau; in 2007, the Ministry of Education once again, jointly with Ruijie Network University, launched the professional training program for secondary vocational education backbone teachers...

So far, Ruijie Network University has helped organize nearly 200 "engineer teacher" backbone training, and it not only accumulated a wealth of training experience to meet the needs of education market, but also won the widespread praise and recognition from the industry and society.