During April 8-9, 2011, Ruijie Networks held the “Cooperation for Developing and Innovation for Future” partnership conference in Sanya, which were attended by more than 700 partners from all parts of China. For the IT sector, this day only means that Ruijie initiates its channel work in the new year, but for Ruijie, it is a new start to comprehensively innovate again for the channel strategies and product techniques.

Creating Channels is the Key

The fact that channel is the key has been talked for years, but in the face of the market pattern that changes so rapidly, how to create the effective channel mode and strategy and improve the product techniques has become the foundation for enterprises to win.
If we say that the technical innovation makes Ruijie lay its solid market foundation, the innovation in channel strategy of Ruijie talked in the channel conference this year attracts more attention in the sector.

It is said that the channel strategies of Ruijie Networks in 2011 include four aspects: enhance interaction, guarantee mechanism; balance niche, parallel channels; confirm orientation, use every advantage, customer-oriented, and value is vital. These words not simply represent the insights of Ruijie Networks in the channel strategies; they are more for a win-win result with its partners by truly protecting their vital interests.

“The most innovative part of our channel strategy this year is to work together with our partners to explore customers. We not only cooperate with each other in some projects, but explore the high- and medium-end market. We make “exploring customers” with partners live through market planning, marketing, project operation, project delivery, service maintenance to lower our cooperative costs and enhance the project success rate. For the SMB market, the small-region or exclusive agency of the industry is adopted, and the partners will have their own pricing rights, so this can guarantee the input and output of the partners. Besides, this year we will initiate service reward plans in improving the channel skills, and those partners who have outstanding service abilities and get Ruijie service qualifications will be amply rewarded, and the reward percentages is as high as 3.5%”, Ruijie Networks channel department general manager Chen Yufeng explained innovation in the channel mode in the above way.

Although Ruijie channel policies make other people puzzled, the innovative channel policies can be summarized in three sentences by Chen Yufeng, “high profitable; highly increased rebates by about twice (including new-added rebates for above the quota and exploration rebates, and improved valued-added achievement rebates); high service rewards”. ”

In 2011, Ruijie Networks have a more perfect channel supporting system. After Synnex, Digital China and Ingram become our general agencies, Ruijie Networks can provide for partners with more solid capital and logistic supports. Meanwhile, different from the channel strategies of other enterprises, Ruijie creates “Personnel Recruitment Green Channel” for partners. Chen Yufeng said, “Ruijie Networks has created “Talent Supply and Demand League” with colleges and universities for partners to use channels to develop the talent supply and demand conference and send talents fostered by colleges and universities to channel partners.” The channel strategies of Ruijie Networks in 2011 are not only a bold move after knowing the interests of partners, but more for taking care of the channel operations. The innovative channel strategies make Ruijie have a great many partners. By the end of 2010, the number of Ruijie partners was over 1300. This year, under the attraction of such gelivable channel strategies, this figure will increase substantially.

There is No End for Innovation

Innovation has always been the main theme of Ruijie’s development, and the persistence in innovation benefits Ruijie more.
In the channel conference, Ruijie issued its “Sagacity.Easy” series of products, including four product lines of exchanges, export, safety and software. According to the introduction of Yang Hongfen, the chief director of Ruijie Networks products, “Sagacity” means smart and wisdom, containing techniques. The technical methods are used to fulfill the stable, speedy and manageable products rather than simplified products. The imaging interface can achieve the more convenient management and installment, and the smart linkage techniques can lower the maintenance costs and pressure. “Easy” means easy implementation, easy maintenance, easy extension, and easy to get benefits and returns. This series of products aim to provide the leading total solutions that meet demands for customers from six sectors including cybercafés, hotels, secondary and primary schools, medium and small hospitals, medium and small governments and medium and small governments.

In early 2011, Ruijie released the data center switch products. This series of products are considered the first one in China that has the cloud computing feature, which make sure that Ruijie takes the lead in the next generation data center switch technology. Ruijie Networks vice president Liu Hongyu stressed, “to make our products meet customers’ demands more, we constantly communicate with them, and give what they want. Finally, Ruijie released its cloud-computing oriented data center products at the end of the year. In January 2011, the data center products officially appeared and succeeded in being used commercially. ”
More than that, over the past eleven years, Ruijie has never stopped its technical innovation, and has many typical innovative products.

According to the introduction of Liu Hongyu, in October 2000, Ruijie released the first network management switch in China, meeting requirements of users for two-layer network management switches. In early 2002, when the Gigabit networks of foreign enterprises are too expensive, Ruijie Networks released its full range of Gigabit networks, making the Gigabit networks affordable and easy to use for domestic users with fast speed, stability and low costs. In 2003, less than one year after the 10-Gigabit standard was released, Ruijie Networks first released in the industry the second generation10-Gigabit Ethernet switches of high density, and that kind of switch can really deal with the line speed of the 10-Gigabit port.

In 2006, when the 10-Gigabit had just popularized and the 100-Gigabit began to start in the international market, Ruijie took the lead in releasing the new high-end core routing switches designed for the 100-Gigabit platform. On the wave of IPv6, Ruijie stood once again at the forefront of the industry. As early as 2008, it released a full range of IPv6 products. F