On the morning of May 22, in the wake of the rain, the Wulong River bank seemed extraordinarily clear under the sunlight, and the bright red festive lanterns and vertically-hung scrolls were flying over the main park of Fuzhou High-tech District – Haixi Science Park, the new homeland of Ruijie Networks – Ruijie Haixi Science Park initiated its grand opening of foundation-laying ceremony, which marked the start of construction.

Many people came to attend the ceremony, including provincial and municipal government officials, shareholder representatives and partner representatives of Ruijie, people from all segments of society that are concerned about Ruijie, and over one hundred employees of the company. The ceremony was hosted by Mrs. Lin Bing, the deputy general manager of Ruijie Co., Ltd. Before the beginning of the ceremony, Li Chuan, vice chairman of Fujian Provincial Committee of the CPPCC and Ke Youmin, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Fuzhou People's Committee and the secretary of Minhou county committee of the CPC, made their respective speeches on behalf of provincial and city governments. They appreciated the excellent performances of Ruijie, and also extended their warm welcome and sincere benedictions to the entrance of Ruijie into the Haixi Science Park. Fujian Electronic Information (Group) President Liu Jieming, on behalf of shareholders, expressed his aspirations to the company’s future development, expecting that Ruijie could benefit its consumers, shareholders and the public with more remarkable performances while promoting the further development of Haixi information industry.



As the leader of the company, Huang Yihao, the president, filled with confidence and determination, passionately said, “ Ruijie Haixi Science Park will lay a solid foundation for the company to become stronger and larger by solving the bottlenecks of R&D and production venues that hinders company development for a long time; it will also further enhance our innovation capabilities and comprehensive competitiveness and be more attractive to high-end talents, thus improving the core competitiveness of the company by injecting new vitality; in the meantime, by virtue of the sound environment and ancillary facilities, as well as various policy support by the government, I believe that Ruijie will have a greater achievement based on this new platform.” Along with the joyful sound of firecrackers, the ceremony was officially kicked off. The distinguished guests and representatives, with golden shovels in their hands, put the first shovel of soil onto the foundation stone, which formed a beautiful picture for the birth of the Ruijie Haixi Science Park. In the roaring sound of the pile driver, the ceremony was successfully completed, and the company began its new journey. We believe that the past ten years of development is only a small step of Ruijie and a new starting line is successfully marked here. In the near future, we can see that Ruijie will, based on the Haixi Science Park, scale up its investment in innovation and contribute more to the development of Haixi technology and to the taking off of China’s information-based industry. It will create a first-rate brand in China’s network communication industry and forge the most brilliant high-tech star of the Haixi Science Park!