Recently, Ruijie Networks, a famous network equipment and solution supplier, won the bid for Qinghai e-government extranet Phase I, providing devices for the third stage of its network construction.

This bid includes backbone devices of horizontal Metropolitan Area Networks (MANs) in eight cities and prefectures in Qinghai Province, core routers and core switches in 45 counties in the province, and nearly 500 access routers distributed across the province. Ruijie Networks won the bid for five prefectures and for access devices.

At the beginning of 2010, the Information Center of Qinghai Province procured core routers for eight cities and prefectures and access routers for provincial MANs. All network devices provided by Ruijie Networks have been deployed and operated stably. As a result of the successful cooperation, the Information Center of Qinghai Province selected Ruijie Networks again in its third stage of network construction without the least hesitation.

The owner for Qinghai e-government extranet informatization said: "Ruijie Networks reassures us with its professional and responsible attitude." It is said that, after the third stage construction, prefecture-level extranet platforms will be expanded and perfected to build WAN backbone networks from prefectures to counties, thus providing network services, application support, and security guarantee for prefecture and county governments, realizing information resource sharing among prefecture and county governments, and improving regulatory capabilities and service quality of governments.