Recently, China Mobile released the result of its centralized procurement for Layer 2 switches and low-end Layer 3 switches in 2010. Ruijie Networks ranked first in both shares, much higher than the shares of Huawei, ZTE, Maipu, FiberHome and other vendors. According to the framework agreement, Ruijie Networks will provide switches products and services to provincial companies of China Mobile in 2011.

Ruijie Networks has been appointed to be switch provider of China Mobile for years. In the course of serving China Mobile, Ruijie Networks itself grows constantly and gradually becomes a mainstream data communication equipment vendor in China's mobile market. In response to this centralized procurement and application requirements of provincial companies, Ruijie Networks provides customized solutions based on service application scenarios. Ranking first in this centralized procurement shows that Ruijie Networks is recognized by China Mobile in business, product technologies, comprehensive strength and other aspects.