The 10th Innovation and Development Forum on Education Informationization was held by the Ministry of Education in Beijing during August 8 and 9. As a leading network equipment and solution provider in the industry, Ruijie Networks participated in all activities of the basic education session, including launching the Fourth-Generation Education MAN Solution, holding the Ruijie Night reception dinner, and arranging for visits to the education information network center in Chaoying District of Beijing and to Ruijie Networks experience center.

Sponsored by the Education Management Information Centre of the Ministry of Education, and organized by China Education Info magazine and Education Management Informationization Committee of Chinese Society of Educational Development Strategy (CSEDS), this forum gathered over 700 participants, 350 of which present at the basic education session were IT officials from educational authorities at various levels and major primary and middle schools, and During the basic education session, Mr. Li Zhonghua, consulting manager of the Basic Education Industry Department of Ruijie Networks, made a presentation titled Innovative Networks Support Future Education — Fourth-Generation Total Education MAN Solution, which attracted much attention among participants. Our posters showing the Forth-Generation MAN Solution and 3+N+1 Digital Campus Solution attracted a lot of visitors.

In the evening of August 8, Ruijie Networks held a reception dinner of the basic education session called Ruijie Night in the banquet hall of 21st Century Hotel. More than 300 persons participated in the banquet, including Luo Fangshu, vice director of the Education Management Information Centre of the Ministry of Education, Liu Xuemin, assistant director of the center, Dong Jing, vice director of the general office of the center, and officials and teachers from educational authorities at various levers, primary schools, and middle schools. In his drinking toast, Mr. Liu Xuemin highly recognized Ruijie Networks as a fast-growing company with strong capabilities, commitment to the society, and innovative spirit. The banquet lasted more than three hours, when participants were delighted with fantastic shows and lucky draws. When Mr. Luo Fangshu unveiled the special prize winner through the last lucky draw, the banquet reached the climate moment.

In the afternoon of August 9, the sponsor arranged a visit to the education information network center of Chaoying District and 120 participants were involved. During the visit, the audience listened to the regional education information system construction experience shared by He Jianxiong, director of the center, and visited the remote monitoring center where Ruijie Networks’ Real-time Intelligence Infrastructure Library (RIIL) was deployed.

Under Ruijie Networks’ arrangement, about 110 persons visited the company’s experience center in batches from August 7 to 10. Our product managers demonstrated the principles of various products, including switching, portal and security, wireless, and the RIIL software. This provided visitors an overview of the performance and application of Ruijie Networks’ products. After the visit, Mr. Li Zhonghua and product managers exchanged ideas on the industry, technology, and projects with visitors.

This forum provides a good opportunity for Ruijie Networks to demonstrate the two new basic education solutions. The Forth-Generation MAN Solution and 3+N+1 Digital Campus Solution are developed by Ruijie Networks on the basis of long-term investigation into a number of customers in the education industry and about 20,000 primary and middle schools. Centering on single-point login and real-name-based authentication, the solutions are planned to construct secure, high-performance, and easy-to-manage education MANs and campus networks. These solutions represent a milestone in the development of MAN and campus network solutions.

 Ruijie Networks has developed a solid understanding of our responsibilities and commitments over the past years with the rapid development of education information technology. In the future, we’ll extend our cooperation with educational authorities to deliver effective basic education MAN solutions and campus network solutions and quality services.