Tsinghua University once again turned to Ruijie Networks for new generation of switches, which were more reliable, easy-to-use, and easy-to-manage, to upgrade the network of Zijing Dormitory. The upgraded network would be superior and satisfy the needs of the faculty and students. As one of the top universities around the world, Tsinghua University set high requirements for the network upgrade to ensure that the network satisfy the needs of the students and make the Zijing Dormitory a brand new concept dormitory for the 21st century. To meet the requirements, Tsinghua University needed new generation switches to provide secure and healthy network services.

In December 2008, after many rounds of comparisons and verifications, Tsinghua University decided to choose RG-S2628G switches from Ruijie Networks. The switches were secure and intelligent and suited well the new generation of hardware architectures with support for IPv6. The 1350 switches in the project were exclusively provided by Ruijie Networks.