On the morning of August 3, China - ASEAN Education Minister Roundtable Conference –the Third China - ASEAN Education Cooperation Week was opened in Guiyang, Gui Zhou Province and CPC Central Committee, State Councilor Liu Yandong met with the Ministers of Education from ten ASEAN countries at the opening ceremony and gave the keynote speech. She stressed that in order to promote educational exchange and cooperation, to share personnel training experiences; it is good to jointly build a China-ASEAN interconnection bridge of humanities to lay the solid public opinion and intellectual base for good-neighborly friendship and harmonious Asia.

CPC Central Committee, State Councilor Liu Yandong making keynote speech

Yuan Guiren, Minister of Education, presided over the opening ceremony and Mr Shi Zongyuan, Guizhou provincial party committee secretary, director of Provincial People's Congress, addressed the conference. Lin Shusen, Deputy Provincial Committee, Governor, attended the opening ceremony, Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Hu Zhengyue, the Vietnamese Minister of Education and Training Fan Wulun, the United Nations UNESCO Assistant Director-General Mr Tang Qian addressed the conference. Jiang Xiaojuan, Deputy Director of the State Council Research Office, Hao Ping, Vice Minister of Education, Provincial Standing Committee, Provincial Minister of United Front Work Department, Chao Yun, Guizhou University Party Secretary, Zhang Qunshan, Provincial Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee Secretary , Vice Governor Liu Xiaokai, Kong Lingzhong, the provincial CPPCC vice chairman, the provincial education department director, the Minister of Education from the ASEAN countries, ASEAN countries Ambassador in China, Consul General attended the opening ceremony.

CPC Central Committee, State Councilor Liu Yandong met with the Ministers of Education from ten ASEAN countries at the opening ceremony and gave the keynote speech. She stressed that in order to promote educational exchange and cooperation, to share personnel training experiences; it is good to jointly build a China-ASEAN interconnection bridge of humanities to lay the solid public opinion and intellectual base for good-neighborly friendship and harmonious Asia.

Liu Yandong said that China and ASEAN are friendly neighbors, but also a strategic partner. The Chinese government has always attached great importance to the educational exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN to establish a comprehensive cooperative partnership in education and walk out a path of an educational exchange with regional characteristics. In particular, the official launch of China - ASEAN Education Ministers Roundtable conference, marks that the educational exchanges and cooperation access to a higher and deeper level.

CPC Central Committee, State Councilor Liu Yandong presented "China - ASEAN Youth Camp" flag. at the opening ceremony of

Liu Yandong put out that to create a new style of China - ASEAN cooperation and build a strategic partnership in the 21st century depend on the humanities exchanges and cooperation in the depth and breadth to a considerable extent. Educational exchange is an important part of cultural exchanges and has a basic, guiding, widespread and persistent effect. Liu Yandong proposed five-point proposal: First, innovating the mechanism of human exchanges and cooperation, establish a high-level consultation mechanism to promote the UNESCO human health and sports cooperation and made it institutionalized. Second, playing the "China - ASEAN Center" service platform capabilities to deepen exchanges and cooperation, and promote non-governmental exchanges, promote public awareness and mutual understanding. Third, actively implementing the "two million student mobility scheme.” In the next 10 years China will provide 10,000 government scholarships to promote the realization of the ASEAN students going to China and Chinese student going to ASEAN countries in 2020, the number of which will reach over 10 million. Fourth, starting the implementation of the "thousands of youth exchange program," China will invite 10 000 young teachers, academics, and students from ASEAN countries to China to participate in activities of cultural exchanges in the next 10 years. Fifth, exploring the feasibility of the education integration, integration of resources, complementary collaboration, to promote mutual recognition of academic degrees to achieve and enhance the region's global competitiveness of higher education to provide personnel and intellectual support for the China - ASEAN Free Trade Zone.