"2008 China Internet Cafe Industry Summit "was held in Chengdu on Dec 29, 2008. At the meeting, Ruijie Networks was awarded "2008 User’s First Choice for Internet cafes network industry" with 40% of brand choice for the Internet cafes network industry in the mainstream top cities of China.

"The award is the result of continuously efforts made by Ruijie Networks in the Internet café Industry" said Mei Qiang, director of Internet cafes industry from Rujie Networks.

Chen Ying, general manager of China Internet cafes online company who presided over the survey, concluded: "The one who attach importance to the industry; who create value for customers in this industry dedicatedly, who will obtain approval and favor of the industry!"

With growing competition in the industry, to create quality Internet cafes and upgrade the overall standard of the industry has gradually become the industry voice of the majority owners. The network platform is the cornerstone of the entire operation of Internet cafes; therefore we have to construct quality network platforms before we build quality Internet cafes. Precisely on such occasion, Ruijie Networks timely put forward its own Value Proposition "Top quality cafes, top quality network".

Around this Value Proposition, Ruijie Networks launched flagship router NBR3000 for cyber café, which become the first one in industry to truly realize GE Multi-Output router for Intra/Extranet in 2008; At the same time, Ruijie Networks updated its the Intelligent linkage technology in the second half of 2008, raised bandwidth utilization of Internet cafes greatly and maintained the solution’s industry leading position.

To make these products and solutions more effectively applied to market terminals, Ruijie Networks customized a “T plan” for the industry clients," in May 2009, which provides owners with "one-stop" support from the products, services, personnel training to store construction and marketing. With these initiatives, Ruijie Networks also stepped up efforts to open up the market of the Internet Café industry.

Reviewing 2008, Ruijie mainstream top cities in China, the percentage of choice of Ruijie Networks Brand increased from 18% in 2007 to 40%. With both the number of channels and sales volumes doubled, Ruijie Networks gains harvest after efforts.

Outlook 2009, the Chinese Internet cafe industry will continue to deal with licenses open gradually, but also to resist the economic crisis under the impact of changes in market environment. Mei Qiang said, "in 2009, both risks and opportunities exist in the industry, Ruijie Networks is willing and dedicated to work together with people in this industry, with their own practical action to create more quality Internet cafes and the realization of industrial upgrading.”