On June 18, the "2009 Next Generation Internet Technology and Applications Forum" with the theme of " the next generation of Internet technology and applications " was held at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Participants of this forum include Mr. Zhiming Li, director of Science and Technology Development Center of Chinese Education Ministry, Professor Wu Jianping, CERNET Expert Committee and director of CERNET national network. Ruijie Networks was also invited to the conference and made speech.

The "2009 Next Generation Internet Technology and Applications Forum", which was organized by the China Education and Research Network CERNET and co-organized by "China Education Network" magazine, attracted experts and scholars in the industry, as well as first-line technicians from various colleges and universities. All the participants discussed on how the Next Generation Internet transformed into IPv6. Mr. Funeng Liu, deputy general manager of Education industry, made a speech on the topic of "the next generation campus network with IPv6", received a high degree of recognition of participants. As key strategic assets, Colleges and Universities information systems provide university and college based business and services to students and teachers, to ensure the school teaching, research, and management and other work carried out, and to enhance the work efficiency of teachers and learning efficiency of students. IPv6-based next-generation campus networks, as the infrastructure of campus information systems, has the features of business-oriented, service-orientated, intelligent integration. It will ensure the smooth operation of various business and applications on a platform which is safe, controllable, can be managed, and can be operated.

By virtue of rich experience in building the campus networks and deep technical accumulation on network management, Ruijie Networks launched the overall solution” the Next Generation IPv6 Campus Network Solutions”, which integrated switching, routing and wireless products, as well as IPv6 technology. In the meantime, it can complete management on the network security, networks and business in the IPV6 environment, providing a series of refined-performance oriented, next generation security control oriented and operation management oriented overall solutions for the campus end users.

As a leading supplier of educational Information technology, Ruijie Networks has always been concerned about the informational construction and development in the education sector. According to the requirement from educational customers, Ruijie Networks has developed over 20 solutions on four areas: the deployment and planning of network infrastructure, network security, network management and business management to help users to optimize the work. Now the solutions have been applied in many universities and educational institutions at a large-scale. In future, Ruijie Networks will continue to hold the spirit of "Intimate Partner of Educational Information Technology ", continue to introduce new products with better quality, more comprehensive solution to fully meet the user's application requirements.