September 25, 2013, Beijing News- Ruijie, the China network solutions leading brand attended and gave a speech in Malaysia IPv6 Summit. Ruijie also signed a memorandum of cooperation with IPv6 organizations Nava under the witness of the Malaysian government information and education sectors. Two sides will work together to promote IPv6 commercialization process to resolve IPv4 address depletion problem to ensure that the next generation of Malaysia comes in seamless transition of the Internet.

Depletion of IPv4 address resources makes the world are actively promoting large-scale commercial deployment of IPv6 and looking for a partner to jointly cope with challenges in the construction of the next generation of the Internet. Dong Xinyu, Ruijie International Business General Manager expressed that the support of mobile Internet, networking, cloud computing, big data is an important foundation for the implementation of the next generation of Internet resources and the smooth transition from IPv4 to IPv6. The large-scale commercial deployment application of IPv6 has become the key of the success of the next generation Internet. Currently, the Malaysian government introduced IPv6 network building national development strategy and develop a clear roadmap and timetable to actively promote the large-scale commercial deployment of IPv6. As an international manufacturer, Ruijie always pursues users’ needs in depth perception, the integration of high-tech applications and continuous innovation of products and differentiated solutions to achieve the maximization of the value of the user network applications. Nava thinks the goal of "Chinese wisdom made" is getting closer instead of "Made in China" and the innovation made out  Ruijie’s recognition.

Ruijie has deeply involved in China Next Generation Internet CNGI project for many years. Ruijie joined  top universities with the IPv6 terminal, network, information source security, network management research for product technology, and successfully served CERNET2 which involved more than 70 211 universities, ranked first in the market share of colleges and universities in CERNET2. Many foreign universities users are very concerned about the news of Ruijie actively promote the CNGI project in the country which can learn from the "production, learning and research" linkage model in enormous impact of education reform. From this, Ruijie brand trust is also growing.

National Advanced IPv6 Centre of Excellence (NAv6) is authorized by the government of Malaysia and the authentication of IPv6 research centers in the forum. Dr. Sureswaran, NA head said the development of the Internet is not a country or a region thing. Only through communication and collaboration between each other can be able to promote their health and sustainable development. Ruijie does not only put the latest technology into the next generation of IPv6 Internet products to support users, but more valuable is in the field of research, laboratory construction and personnel training efforts as well as opening win-win business philosophy. We are very pleased to work with China's most influential network vendor with sharing and exchanging IPv6 deployment experience and high-tech.