Recently, Ruijie Networks declares that it wins the bids for the leased-line and internal network projects in the Xinhua News Agency Building No.9 and Finance&News Centre. Multiple high-end and convergence switches and the global security network (GSN) solution are used on the projects to ensure reliable data transmission over the networks of Building No.9 and the Finance&News Centre and to provide operation&maintenance management (OAM), including security protection, traffic monitoring, and fault diagnosis.

Xinhua News Agency, directly under the State Council, is the biggest news agency of China and the international news agency with Chinese characteristics. In the face of the requirements on strategy transformation, Xinhua News Agency needs to guarantee the development of all media services at the technology plane at first. It also needs to make full use of Internet channels to provide users Internet service platforms for observing and surveying the Internet, network society, and network age; implement level-to-level service management and improve the quality of Internet services transmitted over leased-line and Internal network systems; and strengthen user management by implementing level-to-level and all-round user management. Therefore, Xinhua News Agency launches the projects of constructing new leased-line and internal network systems.

Ruijie Networks' success on winning the bids benefits from the following aspects:
1. High security, simple management, and good service
Ruijie Networks first learns about the status and requirements of Xinhua News Agency’s users, and then communicate with Xinhua News Agency for many times to select high-performance switches. The solution designed by Ruijie Networks not only meets user requirements but also is highly safe and easy to manage.
2. Sound cooperation between Xinhua News Agency and Ruijie Networks
As early as 2008, Ruijie Networks has constructed the Olympic coverage platform for Xinhua News Agency, which guaranteed the success of the whole Olympic coverage. On the National Day of 2009, Ruijie Networks helped Xinhua News Agency implement zero coverage faults in the 60th anniversary celebration.

"News coverage is complicated and needs high timeliness. To ensure safe, stable, and rapid operation of the network system, Ruijie Networks’ staffs have made great efforts", said customers.